Monthly Cancer Horoscope
According to Cancer Monthly Horoscope 2024, this month will be favorable in the aspect of Career and will be full of ups-and-downs in the financial matters.Sun and Mercury in the seventh house will create Budhaditya Yoga in the beginning of the month which will be favorable for your business and Jupiter will stay in the tenth house for the whole month will favor your family life. It also advises you to stay humble and remove any kind of arrogant behavior in your job. The lord of the seventh house Saturn will stay in the seventh house, and it is the period of ‘Kantak shani’. Mental stress will increase. Situations of taking a journey may get created. Nodal Planet Rahu will stay in the ninth house in the third house of the month and will make progress in matters of religion and devotion and may give an opportunity to travel.
This month will be favorable in terms of Career for the natives of Cancer Zodiac because the lord of your sixth house Planet Jupiter is also the lord of the Fortune Year. It will be present in your tenth house and it will aspect on your sixth house from there. Apart from it, Mars and Venus will be present in the sixth house. The absence of these in the beginning of the month will fetch you results favorable for your job. Some opponents may try to raise their heads, but the impact of planets will automatically end your challenges and you will come out of every challenge.
Monthly Horoscope 2024 is indicating that Sun will be present in the Tenth meaning seventh house at the beginning of the month due to which you will try to achieve a good position in your job and you will be successful in it. However the Saturn sitting in the eighth house aspecting on the tenth house may create some obstacles. It may happen that you may not get the work according to your choice but if you observe a little patience, then it will benefit you. You may get successful in changing your job or you may get a transfer in your job. The natives working in the government sector will get special benefits. If you are running a business, then the Sun and Mercury will be present in the seventh house making your business excel and develop. You will move forward with the people in your business. Mars and Venus will also be present in the seventh house of your birth chart in the second half of the month. This may grant good growth and development in your business.
You must be prepared well in advance as financial challenges are coming your way. However, it will be only for a little time but you will have to be careful and take heed. Mars and Venus will aspect on the Twelfth house of your birth chart in the beginning of the month due to which your expenses will increase. You will spend on comforts and luxuries due to which no matter if you earn high income, you will spend the most part of it. That is why you should inculcate the habit of savings. The Planet Saturn of his own zodiac sign sitting in the eight house of your birth chart will aspect fully on the fifth house of your birth chart due to which you will gain benefits from government schemes and investing a little amount received from them will give you profits.Planet Jupiter will be in your tenth house of the birth chart. As a result, you will earn a modest amount and will improve your financial position.
This month will be average for the health aspect of the Cancer natives. Planet Saturn will stay in the eighth house of your birth chart. By staying here, Planet Saturn may give rise to long stretching disease. So, you have to be vigilant toward your health problems and you must connect to a doctor immediately if any problem arises to prevent any big problem in future. Monthly Horoscope 2024 predicts that in the starting of the month , Mars and Venus will also be present in the sixth house that indicates the problems arising due to extra luxurious life and imbalance in food that may give rise to problems related to urinary tract. You must try to stay away from these problems by following a healthy and proper diet and lifestyle. You should practice Pranayama and Meditation. You should also perform Yoga and exercises. Don’t take stress in any situation. By following this, you can stay healthy and happy.
Love/Marriage/Personal Relations
If you are involved in a love relationship, then the beginning of the month will be favorable for you. The lord of the fifth house Mars is present in the eighth-sixth house along with Planet Venus. This is indicating you and your beloved will romance to the fullest. Both of you will not like to stay away from each other for just a moment and will be drowned in each other’s dreams. Going together to watch films, going out and eating food, all those things that a lover and beloved does. Both of you will live your love life to the fullest and will remain blessed for your whole life with love. On 5th February, Mars will enter your seventh house and Venus will enter in your fifth house. During this time you may get successful in proposing to your beloved. If you are a married native, then the beginning of the month may be somewhat weak. The Budhaditya Yoga of sun and Mercury will make your life partner make good decisions. Then, Sun will enter your eighth house of your birth chart along with Saturn and Mars and Venus ill enter in the seventh house of your birth chart.In these situations, disputes and quarrell may arise between you and your in-laws that will affect your married life too. The love and closeness with your life partner will increase. An emotion of closeness will be there between you and your life partner but if you focus on improving your relations with your in-laws, then you will be able to enjoy your married life fully.
Family & Friends
This month will be favorable for family life. Planet Jupiter sitting in the fourth house will aspect on your fourth house for the whole month resulting in peace and happiness in the family life of the Cancer natives. If your parents are suffering from any physical ailments or diseases , then they will get eliminated gradually and you will receive their love. Due to the presence of Nodal Planet Ketu, it may become difficult for you to understand your siblings. However, they will prove beneficial for you. Mars will enter in the seventh house of your birth chart on 5th February 2024 and will aspect on the tenth house of your birth chart. Saturn will also transit from ninth to twelfth meaning eighth house of your birth chart and from there he will aspect on your tenth house due to which your father has to face challenges related to health and you should carefully talk to him by giving respect so that this may not negatively affect your relations with your father.
You must recite Hanuman Chalisa daily.
Wear a good quality true Pearl in a Silver ring on Monday in your little finger.
You should donate Mustard Oil while looking your image (Chhaya Daan)in it to a Brahmin.
Perform Ganga Snaan on Ekadashi, Poornmasi and other auspicious dates.
These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!
» Daily Cancer Horoscope
» Weekly Cancer Horoscope
» Weekly Cancer Love Horoscope
These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!
» Yearly Cancer Horoscope
These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!
» Cancer Characteristics
The people born under Cancer have a strong determination and purpose. They are very lovable, caring and reliable to their par...
» Cancer Facts
» Cancer Compatibility
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