Sagittarius Dates, Element and Symbol Myth
Sagittarius Dates and Element
Sagittarius Dates: November 22 to December 21
Symbol: The Centaur / Archer
Mode + Element: Mutable Fire
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
House: Ninth
Mantra: I See
Body Parts: Hips, Thighs, & Liver
Colors: Maroon & Navy blue
Tarot Card: Temperance
About Sagittarius Zodiac Sign
The house of the wanderers of the zodiac is Sagittarius, the ninth sign of the zodiac. For these folks, it is not a mindless ramble, either. Sags are truth-seekers, and hitting the road, talking to others and finding some answers is the best way for them to do this.
For these people, knowledge is key because it fuels their broad-minded approach to life. Many born with a zodiac sign of Sagittarius are keenly interested in philosophy and religion, and they find that their internal search is supported by these disciplines. What Sagittarius desires most at the end of the day is to know the meaning of life, and to do this while feeling free and easy.
Sagittarius Symbol Myth
The Centaur's Sagittarius zodiac sign is based on the connection of Greek mythology with Chiron, the great teacher of music, medicine, hunting, and prophecy. When he cared for him as a boy, Chiron healed the hero Achilles and mentored him in archery and many other great arts. In the Trojan War, Achilles later became triumphant, having presumably learned to be brave and clever when under the tutelage of this benevolent centaur.
The relation of Sagittarius to travel, higher knowledge, and truth-seeking stems from the searching qualities of the centaur race, but mostly from Chiron, who was the kindest, most compassionate and polite of them all to humans. The centaur/archer, being half-human and half-beast, possesses both an intelligent, civilised side and an untamed, bestial nature, embodying a balance of primitive instinct and intelligence.
Sagittarius Season
In the western tropical zodiac, the season of Sagittarius starts on November 22, starting in the northern hemisphere at the end of autumn. It's a time of year when the days have started to get shorter and the night is beginning to dominate. As the last warm days of fall begin to wane, there is a feeling of change in the air, and the signs of the coming cold, insular winter season are beginning to take hold of the atmosphere.
Sagittarius in Mutable Mode
Sagittarius is the third of the four mutable signs of the zodiac, who all hold an elemental energy of change and adaptation at the transitional end of the four seasons. Sagittarius' fiery and mutable presence begins to clear the stage for the next seasonal performance and helps describe Sagittarius' restless, change-seeking, and adventurous nature.
Sagittarius in Fire Element
The element of Sagittarius is fire, the lightest, brightest element, thought of by ancient astrologers as being akin to the stars' divine light and the sun's essential, life-giving rays. In the fire part, Sag's affinity for excitement, truth-seeking, sincerity, and often blunt honesty, is ignited.
Sagittarius: Domicile of Jupiter
Jupiter was given rulership over both Pisces and Sagittarius in classical astrology. Sagittarius was thought to be Jupiter's daily/day home, an adaptive fire sign that makes it possible for Jupiter to be as vast, affirming, and cheerful as when put there it likes to be.
In our solar system, Jupiter is the largest planet representing the greatest amount of light from the sun, which is why it was dubbed the "greater benefic" and was known as possessing the greatest influence of all seven observable planets to bestow luck and good fortune.
This relation to planetary rulership adds another dimension to Sagittarius' natural qualities, being the root of the affinity of the sign for optimism, friendliness, and enthusiasm. Those born in Sagittarius with their sun are great thinkers, seekers of truth, and love to participate in philosophical inquiries and debates. Those born with Jupiter in his fiery home of Sagittarius, while pursuing their highest beliefs and ideals, tend to have a solid foundation of hope to fall back on and may have luck.
Sagittarius: Ruling Body Parts
The sciatic nerve, the pituitary gland, the liver, hips and thighs are regulated by this symbol. Sometimes, Sagittarius would have fantastic pins! Similarly, you may like to see if with lucky Sagittarius legs your Venus, Moon or rising sign is blessed-a little working out and they're toned and beautiful.
As much as they want to explore, Sagittarius likes to dance. They are still out and about, on the move, looking for answers, and finding new philosophies. With all that movement, the concern is that it can contribute to hip issues. And problems with the liver, particularly when the party refuses to slow down.
Read on to learn more essential facts about common Sagittarius traits, career strengths and love compatibility with other zodiac signs, plus a list of famous Sagittarius celebrities!
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