Gemini Dates, Element and Symbol Myth
Gemini Dates and Element
Gemini Dates: May 22 - June 21
Symbol: The Twins
Mode + Element: Mutable Air
Ruling Planet: Mercury
House: Third
Mantra: I Think
Body Parts: Arms, Hands, & Lungs
Colors: Yellow & Blue
Tarot Card: The Lovers
Lucky Gem: Tiger's Eye & Emerald
Flower: Lavender & Lily of the Valley
Top Love Matches: Aries & Leo
About Gemini Zodiac Sign
The third sign of the zodiac is Gemini, and anyone born under this sign will be quick to tell you all about it. That's because they enjoy chatting! It's not just idle chatting, either, with these people. The guiding force behind the conversation of a Gemini zodiac signal is their mind. The Gemini-born are intellectually inclined to rule the third house, forever probing individuals and places in search of knowledge.
The more data that a Gemini gathers, the better. It is also a lot of fun to share the knowledge later with those they love, as Geminis are supremely involved in improving their relationships. As Geminis are vivid, fast-witted, and the proverbial life of the group, dalliances with those of this astrological sign are often fun. Geminis still have a surplus of creativity waiting to be tapped, even though their intellectual minds will rationalise for ever and a day. Would a Gemini have been boring? Never! Never!
Gemini Symbol Myth
The zodiac sign of the Gemini Twins is based on the Greek mythology of the half brothers Castor and Pollux. The children of Leda, who was seduced by Zeus in the form of a swan, were these mythical brothers, known also as the Dioscuri. As a result of this marriage, Leda laid two eggs, and Castor and Pollux, along with their twin sisters, Helen and Clytemnestra, were said to have hatched from each of these.
In several Greek and Roman legends, Castor and Pollux are present and were renowned for their mastery of horses. The Dioscuri had an everlasting bond with Pollux, a half-god like Zeus' offspring, sharing his immortality with Castor. The two were then put as the eternal constellation of Gemini-Twins in the heavens, immortalising the myth that contributes to the mystical and enigmatic duality of the archetype of this sign.
Gemini Season
The Gemini season in the western tropical zodiac starts on May 22, starting at the end of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. It is a time of year where the days towards the summer solstice are getting longer, where the proportion of daylight outweighs the length of the night. As the spring season heats up, there is a feeling of change in the climate, and the signs of the oncoming hot, busy summer season are beginning to take hold of the atmosphere.
Gemini: In Mutable Mode
Gemini is the first of the four mutable zodiac signs which, at the transitional end of the four seasons, all carry an elemental energy of change and adaptation. The airy and mutable presence of Gemini seems to clear the stage for the next seasonal success and helps to outline the anxious, change-seeking, and curious role of this sign in the zodiac.
Gemini : Air Element
The element of Gemini is air, a light and dispersive element thought to be an abstraction of matter that reflects formlessness and dissolution by ancient astrologers. All activities are similar to the active, flowing air aspect, the affinity of the Twins to collect knowledge, make social connections, and explore the world with childlike curiosity, and sometimes mischief.
Gemini : Domicile of Mercury
Mercury was given rulership of both Gemini and Virgo in classical astrology. Mercury's day/day home, an adaptive air sign that allows Mercury to be as flexible, curious, and analytical as it wants to be when put there, was thought to be Gemini. Mercury is the fastest planet in our solar system after the moon and most often goes retrograde, giving it the reputation of being volatile, changeable, and unpredictable.
Those born in Gemini with Mercury can be recognised for their mental restlessness, speedy intellect, and wit. This placement also gives the native the opportunity to rapidly understand and easily assimilate vast amounts of knowledge. When it comes to Mercurial matters of life, when it comes to adaptability and communication and language in general, those born with Mercury in their home seem to have an advantage.
Gemini: Ruling Body Parts
The arms, lungs, shoulders, hands, fingers and nervous system are ruled by Gemini. This is where, in accordance with the Twins' dual existence, the body breaks into two. The respiratory and nervous system is often regulated by Gemini, so anyone born under this sign can seem to be 'nervous' or fidget,' living on their nerves.'
Read on to learn more essential facts about common Gemini traits, career strengths and love compatibility with other zodiac signs, plus a list of famous Gemini celebrities!
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