Aries Dates, Element and Symbol Myth
Aries Dates and Element
Aries Dates: March 21 - April 19
Symbol: The Ram
Mode + Element: Cardinal Fire
Ruling Planet: Mars
House: First
Mantra: I Am
Body Part: The Head
Colors: Red & Mustard
Tarot Card: The Emperor
Day: Tuesday
Birthstone: Diamond
Alternate Birthstones: Bloodstone, Topaz Sapphire, Jasper, and Aquamarine
About Aries Zodiac Sign
The first sign of the zodiac is Aries, and that's almost how the ones born under this sign see themselves: first. Aries are the pack leaders, first in line to get stuff going. Whether or not everything is done is another question altogether, because Aries prefers to start rather than finish. Have you got an idea that needs a kick-start? Name, by all means, the Aries. Aries' leadership is the most impressive, so don't be surprised if they can rally the soldiers against seemingly insurmountable odds-they have that kind of personal magnetism.
Born between the dates of March 21 to April 19, Aries is known for its strong personality traits, outstanding features and assertive behaviour (read: bossy).
An Aries sign will not, either, shy away from new territory. The pioneers of the zodiac are often called those born under this zodiac sign, and it's their fearless trek into the unknown that often wins the day. Aries is a bundle of energy and dynamism that leads people along with its charm and charisma, kind of like a Pied Piper. The dawning of a new day is pure bliss to an Aries and all its possibilities.
Aries Myth behind Symbol
The Aries zodiac symbol is the Ram, named by the astrologers of the old world for the stellar constellation this sign refers to. The astrological sign of the Ram dates back to when it was associated with agriculture and the god of shepherds in Babylonian times.
The association of the Ram persisted in Egyptian astronomy through the sun god Amon-Ra, who had a human body and the head of a ram. Amon-Ra ruled over vitality and imagination, essential forces that set Spring in motion and rebirth. The Ram rescued Phrixus and Helle in Greek mythology, whose golden fleece became the reward in the tale of Jason and the Argonauts. The name Aries is derived from the Greek god of war, "Ares".
Season of Aries
The season of Aries starts at the Vernal Equinox in the western tropical zodiac, marking the annual rebirth of the sun in the northern hemisphere and the renewal of development at the beginning of spring. It starts on the 21st March and ends on the 19th April. Youthful excitement, connected to the essential force of life reawakening after the long winter, is overflowing with the Aries archetype.
Aries: Cardinal Mode
Aries is the first of the zodiac's four cardinal signs, all of which have an elemental, initiatory force that signals the start of the four seasons. The Season, the root of the Ram's penchant for being a fiery starter, chief and trailblazer, starts with Aries.
Aries in The Element of Fire
The element of Aries is fire, the lightest, brightest element, thought of by ancient astrologers as being akin to the stars' divine light and the sun's essential life-giving rays. In the fire aspect, the Ram's affinity for inspiration, impulsivity, and assertiveness are kindled.
Aries: Domicile of Mars
Mars is the celestial lord of both Aries and Scorpio in classic astrology. The day, or the diurnal home of Mars, was thought to be Aries, while Mars sought a nocturnal home in brooding and hidden Scorpio.
In this fiery sign, in the warrior archetype of this sign, Mars has complete affinity and potency, being able to be as primitive, combative, and fearless of a planetary force as it likes to be. Mars in Aries is found in the charts of brave, often athletic individuals, who, when needed, have deep reserves of power and martial courage.
Aries: Sun's Holiness
Cancer was rising in the Thema Mundi, the world's ancient birth map, placing Aries on the chart's mid-heaven. This is the location where at mid-day, with its full strength and light, the sun culminates in the sky. As a consequence, in Aries, the sun is said to be exalted, granting it a particular power, and those born with the sun in this sign appear to radiate bold faith in life. A man or woman born under the zodiac sign of Aries is sure to stand out from the crowd and ahead of it.
Aries: Ruling Body Parts
The head, face, brain and eyes are ruled by this symbol, so a head massage is pure heaven.
Aries love to be touched or stroked around their ears, but they are often prone to more headaches and the occasional head bump! Aries, in fact, are usually said to be vulnerable to accidents. The adrenal and suprarenal glands are both regulated by them.
Read on to learn more essential facts about common Aries traits, career strengths and love compatibility with other zodiac signs, plus a list of famous Aries celebrities!
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