Vastu Predictions 2022 As Per Vastu Shastra
Vastu Shastra 2022 Predictions will let you know how favourable your upcoming year will be in accordance with your zodiac sign. Vastu Shastra is an ancient science with the help of which you can remove negativity from your life. Vastu Shastra believes that the place where you live, where you work or where you spend most of your time, everything present there has a negative or positive effect on your life through its shape, type and direction etc. Today in Horoscope 2022 predictions based on Vastu Shastra, we are going to tell you what is likely to affect your life in the year 2022 according to Vastu Horoscope. Along with this, we are also going to let you know of some remedies of Vastu Shastra, by adopting which you can remove negativity from your life. Readers should also know that this horoscope is based on your Moon sign.
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हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें: वास्तु शास्त्र 2022 राशिफल
Vastu Shastra 2022 Predictions: Aries
According to Vastu Shastra Horoscope 2022, this year, the natives of Aries can feel unlimited energy inside themselves. This year you can take firm determination and can also aim for big plans for yourself. The special thing is that you can be seen making every effort to make these plans successful with your leadership power, which increases the chances of successful completion of these plans.
On the other hand, in terms of health, according to Vastu Horoscope 2022, your health index will be 80 percent positive, which can be considered satisfactory. In the year 2022, you may face occasional headaches and mental stress due to heavy workload. You are especially advised to take special care of your diet this year, otherwise digestive problems may trouble you.
According to 2022 Vastu Shastra Predictions, your relationship index is likely to be 70 percent, which means that you need to be a little careful about your relationships. In the year 2022, the people of Aries can be seen using the unlimited energy present inside them to move forward with their work in a positive way. However, you are advised to never let the ego of being the best grow inside you, otherwise relations with friends and well-wishers may also deteriorate.
At the same time, from the career point of view, this year can prove to be very beneficial for the people of Aries who are associated with the field of sports. Aries folks associated with politics and the fashion industry can be seen doing better in the field of career this year. At the same time, the year 2022 is likely to be promising for the people associated with the bakery and food industry. In the year 2022, the career index of the people of Aries will be positive till the highest point.
Vastu Remedies for the Year 2022
Keep a vessel full of water in the north-east direction of the house.
Drink water from a silver glass.
Establish/Install an elephant statue in the south-west direction of the house.
Plant a jasmine plant in the north-west direction of the house.
Vastu Shastra 2022 Predictions: Taurus
According to Vastu Shastra Horoscope 2022, the people of Taurus zodiac can make every decision after a lot of thinking this year. However, a lack of tolerance can also be seen in you during this time, due to which anger can also arise in you. Since you prefer a settled lifestyle, your anger may disturb your family members, due to which you may also have disputes with them. In such a situation, you are advised to avoid getting overwhelmed.
On the other hand, in terms of health, the health index of the people of Taurus zodiac is likely to be 70 percent positive in the year 2022, which is an indicator that you need to be a little careful about your health. In the year 2022, water-related diseases can trouble the people of Taurus. You are advised to take more and more water this year and make sure that there is no shortage of water in your body. Incorporate exercise into your daily routine for good health. Be aware of increasing weight, otherwise kidney and stomach related diseases can put you in trouble.
According to Vastu Horoscope 2022, the relationship index of Taurus will be around 80 percent positive, which is an indicator of satisfactory family life. The people of Taurus zodiac are considered to be very dependable and you expect similar nature from other people as well. You are advised that the more you keep your plans a secret, the more pleasant your family life can be. In the year 2022, the career index of the people of Taurus zodiac will be positive till the highest point in the year 2022, which is a good sign for the career. On the other hand, in terms of career, in the year 2022, those people of Taurus who are associated with the field of readymade clothes, they are likely to get the expected results. There can be progress in business and there is a lot of possibility of increasing sales. At the same time, for those people who are associated with the field of gems and jewelry, the year 2022 can also prove to give good results. During this, your stalled work can go ahead. There are chances of increasing income this year for the people associated with agriculture and horticulture.
Vastu Shastra Remedies for the Year 2022
Establish a Rahu Pyramid in the South-West direction of the house.
Burn Google's incense at home and office on Saturday.
To increase income, plant peepal trees in public places.
Place a picture full of greenery in the east direction of the house.
Vastu Shastra 2022 Predictions: Gemini
According to the Vastu Shastra 2022 Horoscope, the natives of Gemini zodiac can introspect in the year 2022 and find the root causes of their every problem and solve it by working hard and trying in the right direction. Gemini sign people may find themselves very sensitive this year. Along with emotional ups and downs, you may also face many challenges this year. In such a situation, keeping yourself ready for these challenges from the beginning can reduce your problems.
In terms of health, your health index will be 60 percent positive in the year 2022, which is an indicator that you need to take care of your health a lot. The year 2022 can increase the problems of the people of Gemini who have problems like asthma or bronchitis. You are advised to include such things in your diet which are helpful in increasing your immunity, otherwise you may have to face infectious diseases this year. Do not rush while doing any work, otherwise your hands and arms may remain prone to injuries.
In the year 2022, the relationship index of the people of Gemini zodiac will be 90 percent, which is an indicator of a happy family and social life. In the year 2022, the people of Gemini zodiac are likely to establish relations with many people of the society. Due to your attractive personality, you can also become the center of attraction among many people. However, during this time you have to take care that you should avoid taking everyone's advice regarding any work. Try to understand the difference between right and wrong advice and then make a decision. In married life, you can be completely devoted to your life partner this year and you can be seen performing your responsibilities better, due to which your family life can be pleasant this year.
In the year 2022, the career index of the people of Gemini zodiac will be 80 percent positive, which can be considered an indicator of satisfactory career. In terms of career, this year is likely to prove to be very beneficial for the people of Gemini who are associated with the field of tourism. Along with this, this year can bring new opportunities for the people of this zodiac associated with the field of art like music, dance, acting. The people of Gemini zodiac associated with the field of writing can touch new heights this year.
Vastu Shastra Remedies for the Year 2022
Place a picture of Sun God/Surya Dev in the east direction of the house or workplace.
Place an aquarium or water fountain at the meeting place.
Put a Vastu painting of red flowers in the south direction of the house.
Eat cardamom before leaving the house.
Vastu Shastra 2022 Predictions: Cancer
According to Vastu Shastra Horoscope 2022, this year the people of Cancer can be seen taking every decision using their traditional thinking. This year, you will move forward with receptivity, sensing every situation. There is a possibility of an increase in material pleasures, due to which you can be seen living a luxurious life this year. However, you are advised that during this time you should not be overly excited about any work, otherwise you may have to suffer loss.
From the health point of view, the health index of Cancer people in the year 2022 is 70 percent positive, which is an indicator that you need to be aware of your health this year. Those people with Cancer zodiac who are asthmatic patients, this disease can trouble them more this year. It is feared that this year Cancer natives may have to face lung-related problems. Take special care of your diet. Avoid overeating. Also, protect yourself from scorching heat and sun, otherwise skin-related diseases can trouble you this year.
In the year 2022, the relationship index of the people of Cancer will be 80 percent positive, which is an indicator of satisfactory social and family life. This year you can come in contact with many such people who will not only become your good friends but can also help you in future. You are advised not to form any opinion about any relationship until you yourself check its veracity. Avoid falling prey to misunderstanding. You may go through emotional ups and downs this year.
In the year 2022, the career index of the people of Cancer zodiac will be positive up to 70 percent, which can be considered satisfactory. This year, those people of Cancer zodiac who are associated with the field of electrical equipment can benefit. There is a possibility of making good profits in the stock market. This year can be auspicious for those people who are associated with the field of astrology and science. The people of Cancer zodiac associated with the field of water transport and water supply are also getting auspicious results this year.
Vastu Shastra Remedies for the Year 2022
Establish T-84 yantra for positive energy at the main entrance of the house and office.
Remove old shoes and slippers that are not in use out of the house as soon as possible.
Place Vastu painting of moon and moonlight in the west direction of the house.
Vastu Shastra 2022 Predictions: Leo
According to the Vastu Shastra Horoscope 2022, this year, the natives of Leo zodiac can be seen performing every task well, displaying their excellent leadership ability. Due to your social work, this year you can also get some kind of respect and praise in the society.
It is because of which your fame will increase. This year you can be successful in demonstrating your love for art and art. Your hold in the society may increase and people may be seen taking advice from you on every issue.
The health index of the people of Leo zodiac will be 60 percent this year, which is an indicator that this year you need to be aware of your health. Especially such people who are heart patients or are suffering from blood pressure, they are advised to avoid getting excited. Be patient even in difficult situations. Patients of Arthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis should avoid taking excessive workload, otherwise difficulties may have to be faced. Problems related to the upper spine can be troublesome. Avoid getting up or sitting with jerks.
In the year 2022, the relationship index of Leo will be up to 70 percent positive, which can be said to be quite right. This year, the people of Leo zodiac can remain devoted to their friends. Your friends are likely to receive your full love and affection this year. However, keep in mind that you do not fall prey to any wrong association. There is a possibility that this year your relationship with your old lover will break and you will start a new relationship.
The career index of the people of Leo zodiac will be at the highest point this year, which is considered to be an indicator of better times. In the year 2022, there are chances of you getting the benefit of family property. Those people who are associated with the field of entertainment or are mountaineers, they can get new opportunities this year, with the help of which they can get success. The people of Leo zodiac, who are associated with the profession of medicine and medicine, are expected to make good profits this year.
Vastu Shastra Remedies for the Year 2022
Paint white color or hang white colored curtains in the west direction of the house or office.
Plant Kadamba trees in public places.
Burn sandalwood incense once a week for the purification of all the idols kept in the house.
Hang crystal balls in the south-east direction of the house.
Vastu Shastra 2022 Predictions: Virgo
According to Vastu Shastra Horoscope 2022, the natives of Virgo can appear mentally alert and restrained this year. During this, they can be seen following each and every guideline carefully. This year, the people of Virgo zodiac can be seen avoiding sharing their plans with anyone else and can fulfill these plans by working on them peacefully.
In the year 2022, the health index of the people of Virgo zodiac will be 80 percent positive, which can be considered promising. However, the people of Virgo may continue to suffer from insomnia this year. Apart from this, you are advised to avoid excessive hard work this year, otherwise you may feel pain in the shoulders and arms. Make yoga and exercise a part of your life. Avoid the use of intoxicants. Protect yourself from cough and lung related diseases. There may be a complaint of weight gain, due to which other diseases can also take birth, so control your diet.
The relationship index of Virgo natives will be 70 percent positive in the year 2022, which indicates that you need to be careful about your relationships. This year you are advised to stay away from such people from whom you have cheated in the past as well otherwise these people can harm you again. There are also chances of deteriorating relations with your brother. A woman may have to face defeat in some work. Older people should keep themselves away from any unnecessary disputes, otherwise they may have to suffer. Treat everyone equally.
This year, the career index of the people of Virgo zodiac will be at its highest point, which is an indicator of getting auspicious results. From the career point of view, this year the people of Virgo who are associated with the field of writing and clerk are expected to benefit. At the same time, the people associated with the field of machine and construction are likely to benefit from the help of new technology this year. The people associated with the field of marketing can also be seen earning good money this year. Such people will also have contact with such new people in the field, who can prove to be helpful for them in future.
Vastu Shastra Remedies for the Year 2022
Keep the aroma dispenser of Harsingar fragrance in the North-East direction of the house.
Plant a Tulsi plant in the east direction of the house.
To keep the atmosphere of the house pleasant, put a picture of a horse running in the north-west direction.
The middle of the house is also called Brahma Sthan. Do not keep heavy items at this place. Keep this space as free and airy as possible.
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Vastu Shastra 2022 Predictions: Libra
According to Vastu Shastra Horoscope 2022, this year the people of Libra zodiac may have to do many important tasks as part of the organization i.e. as a team. In such a situation, it becomes necessary that you take important decisions quickly so that no opportunity is missed from your hands. The people of Libra zodiac can be seen fulfilling all the objectives of life with their high moral principles this year. You are likely to get full support from your colleagues at work.
According to Vastu Predictions 2022, the health index of the people of Libra zodiac will be 65 percent positive in the year 2022, which is an indicator that you need to take great care of your health this year. Such people who have phlegm problems, they may have breathing problems in the year 2022. Keep drinking water regularly. Do not allow swelling in the lower part of the body. If there is any problem, be sure to seek medical advice.
The relationship index of the people of Libra zodiac will be 90 percent positive in the year 2022, which is considered good. This year you can be seen spending a great time with your friends and family members. Some kind of travel can be planned which will prove to be very pleasant. You can be seen moving ahead because of your clean thinking and you may meet many such dignitaries of the society this year and establish relationships, which will prove to be helpful for you in future.
The index of the people of Libra zodiac will be 80 percent positive this year, which can be considered promising. For those people of Libra zodiac who are associated with the field of designing, photography and painting, this year can bring auspicious results. On the other hand, good opportunities are also likely to come in the year 2022 for the people of Libra zodiac associated with the field of building construction, furniture and interior designing. People associated with scientific, medical or research related fields can be seen achieving new achievements this year.
Vastu Shastra Remedies for the Year 2022
Plant a Hawthorn plant at the main entrance of the south facing house.
Plant bamboo plants in the south-east direction of the house.
Place wind chimes in the north-west direction of the house.
Once a week and if possible, especially on Saturday, clean the entire house using divine powder.
Vastu Shastra 2022 Predictions: Scorpio
According to Vastu Shastra Horoscope 2022, a lot of self-confidence can be seen in the people of Scorpio zodiac. This year you can see yourself adapting to every situation, due to which you will be able to make yourself proficient in many different areas. Chances are that in the year 2022, the hard work you put in, you will also get the fruits of that hard work. Mentally you can look very strong this year, due to which you will be able to face every situation boldly.
According to Vastu Horoscope 2022, the health index of the people of Scorpio zodiac will be 70 percent positive in the year 2022, which can be considered good. This year, the infinite energy present inside you and your plans for the future can disturb your sleepless nights, due to which you may complain of insomnia. Bone diseases like osteoporosis can cause problems for the people of Scorpio zodiac. In such a situation, be sure to seek medical advice about any bone related problem. Air disorders like sinusitis can also bother you. You are advised to include yoga in your daily routine and be health conscious this year.
In the year 2022, the relationship index of the people of Scorpio zodiac will be positive up to 80 percent which can be considered promising. According to Vastu Horoscope 2022, this year you can make many new friends due to your strong attraction power. Also, many friends can be seen helping you financially this year. However, you are advised not to trust anyone blindly this year. After listening to anything, it will be better for you to believe in its veracity only after examining yourself. Avoid getting carried away by emotions.
In terms of career, in the year 2022, the career index of the people of Scorpio zodiac will be positive till the highest point, which is considered very auspicious. This year, those people with Scorpio zodiac who are associated with the field of sports are likely to get good results. Apart from this, the people of Scorpio who are doctors, surgeons or dentists can be seen making progress in their work. This year is also likely to prove to be auspicious for the people of Scorpio zodiac associated with the chemical industry.
Vastu Shastra Remedies for the Year 2022
Remove the bad stuff and junk present in the house out of the house.
Keep an aquarium of fish in the north direction of the house.
Place a red bulb in the south direction of the house.
Keep a lump of turmeric in the north-east direction of the house.
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Vastu Shastra 2022 Predictions: Sagittarius
According to Vastu Shastra Horoscope 2022, this year the people of Sagittarius can make many trips. This year, you can be seen taking part in many types of competitions with great enthusiasm and can also be seen performing better in these competitions due to your sharp intelligence and skillful decision making ability. This year, you can be seen making efforts in the right direction by using your intellect properly, with the help of which success will kiss your feet.
In the year 2022, the health index of the people of Sagittarius will be 70 percent positive, which indicates that you need to be aware of your health. According to Vastu Horoscope 2022, liver related health problems can trouble the people of Sagittarius. Along with this, diseases related to the nose can also trouble you. You are advised to control your diet. Avoid excessive fried and spicy dishes. Keep an eye on your weight. Control the weight with the help of yoga and exercise, otherwise increasing weight can become a problem. Keep your blood pressure patients checked regularly. Avoid doing any work in a hurry, otherwise there may be mental stress as well as physical pain.
This year your relationship index will be positive up to 80 percent which can be called promising. Sagittarius zodiac sign in the year 2022
A can make many new friends who will stay with and support him for a long time. Yogas are also being made to stay away from family. This year your decision making ability may seem to improve and your decisions will be very clear regarding any work. This year you can be seen taking any decision practically without getting carried away by emotion in love affairs. There is a possibility that you will not be ready to compromise this year due to any adverse situation, which will prove beneficial for you.
In the year 2022, the career index of Sagittarius will remain positive till the highest point which is an indicator of auspicious time. This year, those people of Sagittarius who are associated with the field of tourism, their economic condition will be seen improving. Apart from this, this year is also likely to be auspicious for the people of Sagittarius who are associated with the field of court and law. Paused tasks can go ahead. The religious preachers of Sagittarius can be seen doing remarkable work in the society this year, guiding them properly. The people associated with the field of writing can get good opportunities this year. The people associated with the field of art are likely to get many new opportunities.
Vastu Shastra Remedies for the Year 2022
Place a picture of a smiling couple in the south-west direction of the bedroom.
Keep the north-east direction of the house open, ventilated and illuminated.
Plant a Champa plant at the main entrance for positive energy.
Place peacock feathers in the north-west direction of the house.
Vastu Shastra 2022 Predictions: Capricorn
According to Vastu Shastra Horoscope 2022, the people of Capricorn can be seen taking some important decisions with traditional thinking. Chances of your promotion are also being made. Also you are likely to get new opportunities. There is a possibility of communication of enthusiasm and enthusiasm in life throughout the year. However, you are advised to avoid people who are pessimistic this year. Overall, this year can prove to give you auspicious results in every field.
In terms of health, in the year 2022, the health index of the people of Capricorn will be positive up to 65 percent, which is an indicator that you should not be careless about your health at all. This year, the people of Capricorn should take special care of your skin, otherwise skin related diseases can give you trouble. Especially when there is a change in the weather, do not be careless about the skin at that time. Do not eat too much sour or spicy food, otherwise gallbladder associated diseases can trouble you. Get regular health check-ups and take special care of your teeth. Avoid getting unnecessarily stressed. Take care of your heart and avoid getting too excited. Be sure to seek medical advice even on minor ailments.
The relationship index for the people of Capricorn will remain positive till the highest point in the year 2022, which is an indicator of good times. According to Vastu Horoscope 2022, such people of Capricorn who are unmarried, their marriage may be possible. The financial situation is likely to improve, due to which the atmosphere of the house can remain pleasant. As a member of the household, you can be seen performing your responsibilities better this year. You are advised that this year you should not hesitate to express your feelings in front of everyone and keep your point openly in front of everyone.
This year, the career index of the people of Capricorn will be positive up to 70 percent, which can be considered as good. In the year 2022, those people of Capricorn zodiac are likely to get special benefits who are associated with the field of building construction. On the other hand, the people of Capricorn, who are associated with politics, can sit on a high post, touching new heights this year. Capricorn people associated with the field of biology and research can get respect for their work. There is a possibility of getting results according to hard work in every field.
Vastu Shastra Remedies for the Year 2022
To get rid of disputes, establish the Mars 3D Yantra in the south direction of the office.
In the south-west direction of the house, get it painted pink or hang pink curtains.
Place a picture of a smiling child in the west direction of the house.
If there is a garden in the house, then plant Mogre, Motia and Jasmine plants in its west direction.
Vastu Shastra 2022 Predictions: Aquarius
In the year 2022, the people of Aquarius can be seen earning respect in the society with the help of their sharp reasoning power. This year, the people of Aquarius can be seen effectively resolving the decisions of other natives. Also, in the year 2022, the people of Aquarius can feel that supersensory abilities are developing inside them, which will prove to be very helpful for them. This year you may prove to be able to make better decisions for yourself as compared to other years.
In terms of health in the year 2022, the health index of the people of Aquarius is likely to be 60 percent, which is an indicator that this year you need to be very careful about your health. In the year 2022, you may have to face many infectious diseases due to weak immunity. In such a situation, you are advised to avoid going to public places as much as you can, the better it will be for you. Digestive power may also remain weak this year. Avoid junk food and consume more and more natural and healthy foods. Avoid doing any work in haste, otherwise the accident can cause bodily injury. Get regular medical checkups and keep healthy
In the year 2022, the relationship index of the people of Aquarius will be positive up to 80 percent, which is considered promising. This year, unmarried Capricorn people can tie the knot. It may be late but whatever relationships you establish this year can be seen supporting you for a long time. This year you can get the full support of your friends. Also, this year you can emerge making a different name and identity among the society. Your inclination towards social service can also be seen and you can be seen taking part in it enthusiastically.
This year, the career index of Aquarius people will remain positive till the highest point, which is considered to be an indicator of good times. In the year 2022, you can be seen implementing some innovative and effective plans to progress in your career. The advice of a career counselor can prove to be helpful for you to progress in your career this year. Career related decisions taken by you this year can prove to be beneficial for you in the long term. Natives associated with the field of machinery and machinery manufacturing are likely to benefit. You are advised to take forward the old one instead of entering any new business this year.
Vastu Shastra Remedies for the Year 2022
Establish a Solar Energy 3D Yantra with positive energy in the East direction of the house.
Place a life size mirror in the north direction of the house.
Hang the clock in the east or north direction of the house.
Avoid putting calendars behind doors.
Vastu Shastra 2022 Predictions: Pisces
According to Horoscope 2022 based on Vastu Shastra, the natives of Pisces can be seen making many trips this year. During these visits, you can be seen preparing new plans for the future while introspecting. In the year 2022, the people of Pisces can go beyond imaginary thinking and make every decision on the basis of practicality, which can benefit them in future.
According to Vastu Horoscope 2022, this year the health index of the people of Pisces will be positive till the highest point, which is an auspicious sign in terms of health. This year, Pisces natives can appear mentally strong and can be seen successfully defending themselves from any kind of stress. With your strong will, you will be able to get rid of any health problem soon. However, the problem of bile can trouble you at times. In such a situation, you are advised to keep your diet under control and avoid spicy food this year. Keep drinking more and more water. Avoid doing any work in a hurry.
This year the relationship index of Pisces people will also remain positive till the highest point which is considered very good. In such a situation, the people of Pisces can have a forgiving attitude towards others this year. You can be seen providing full support and cooperation to your family this year, which will improve your mutual relations. There are also chances of taking the help of a counselor when there is a dilemma regarding a relationship, through which you can be successful in instilling enthusiasm and enthusiasm in your life again. There are also chances of strengthening the financial condition, due to which the atmosphere of the family can remain pleasant.
In terms of career, in the year 2022, the career index of the people of Pisces will be positive up to 90 percent, which can be considered good. This year, the people of Pisces who are associated with health services can be seen doing better in their career. At the same time, this year is also likely to be auspicious for the people of the zodiac associated with the field of alternative medicine. The year 2022 can prove to be good for the people associated with the field of astrology and other occult sciences. At the same time, this year will bring new opportunities for the people associated with the field of art and writing.
Vastu Shastra Remedies for the Year 2022
Place peacock feathers in the north-west direction of the house.
Light a candle in the west direction of the house.
Place a mirror near the dining table in the north direction in such a way that the entire dining table is visible in that mirror while eating.
Do not keep more than one picture of any deity in the temple of the house.
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