Taurus Woman
Taurus women are born between April 21 and May 21. They belong to the Earth aspect of the zodiac (along with Virgo and Capricorn). The Earth sign collective are practical, stoic, determined, optimistic and materialistic. The feminine Taurus, an incarnation of the goddess is the supreme Earth Mama of the zodiac. The Taurus woman lives entirely by that reality, and is ruled by Venus, Empress of Love (the motto of which is 'All acts of love and happiness are my ritual.'

The Taurus woman instinctively loves the finer artefacts of life, beauty-loving, sensual, and often slightly hedonistic: she not only has refined tastes in material goods but she also has a profound respect for nature.
Taurus are renowned for their stubbornness, but there's more to them than that they're a bit of dark horse. Ruled by the planet Venus, they share her characteristics of elegance, artistry, hedonism and a love of luxury and comfort. In reality, Taureans are pretty good people. Taureans can be sweet and hard-working, they don't want to be shoved, they have clear opinions and they enjoy their comforts at home. My Goodness, please ask a Taurus, if you want something done. They have no challenge or difficulty, infinite reserves of tenacity, patience and endurance. Like the tide on the beach, they're just going to keep coming.
Taurus Woman Personality Traits
The female Taurus comes with a grounded set of personality traits. They can handle enormous amounts of stress and are very emotionally strong. The stress can come from her work, her family, or herself, but under pressure, she rarely crumbles, and generally she won't even complain or show any signs of being upset. She chooses not to seek mercy, and instead relies on her freedom and determination to deal with a difficult situation. Independence is one of the Taurus's most popular attributes. She knows how to do things herself and is definitely not afraid to pursue or lead a new project. She also prefers working alone instead of in a group. A woman who is a Taurus is assertive if she needs to be, but doesn't care when someone else leads in a romantic relationship, particularly her partner.
Although she's smart, she doesn't want to show herself an intellectual to do this and would be happy to let her friends shine, as she provides a comfortable atmosphere.
She likes protection, so she will live to plant and nurture the seeds as a devoted mother, and patiently wait for the root of them. As they are unadventurous in principle, change can be a threat to them. In a rut, she likes to retain the status quo, so that any changes in her life usually come out of the outside. Whatever life experiences, however, she learns from them easily and hopefully doesn't make the same mistake twice. Taurus is a passive, feminine sign regulated by the obedient Venus. Her appeal is luring, earthy sensuality and practicality. Her biggest purpose is to understand how to share.
Taurus Female Career and Lifestyle
Speaking of a Taurus female career and lifestyle, with an appreciation of leisure, relaxation, and elegance, the Taurus woman combines a deep concentration and formidable work ethic. She works hard, and you will catch her resting hard when she's done for the day, too - like a bull in a clover. Her features render her stable and reliable, and she infuses all she does with great intent. She will ensure that she does it well, down to the final touches, if it's worth doing at all, and that includes every facet of her life, from personal artistic ventures to all facets of her career.
It is understood that Taurean women are bullheaded simply because they love doing the job. It is this irrepressible attribute that many have mistakenly found stubborn. They are born leaders and are not going to obey someone unless you actively consider someone to be your superior. They have brilliant leadership skills and can work successfully in the political, human resources and financial world. It can also be exceptional musicians, photographers, authors and gardeners.
The natural world is the sanctuary of the Taurus female personality, and she is able to see mostly trees from the windows. Low-light and burning candles create an intimate atmosphere to beguile the senses that she knows so innately. The fine incense smell always remains in the air, and she might like to splatter her rooms with sage or cedars regularly.
She just lets things happen, no matter what, once she sets her mind to do something. You can believe that your Taurean can get your work done on time with grace and aplomb, which is highly efficient and fulfilled by working hard on something she loves doing. A woman from Taurus handles her money well and is willing to save - and invest! Part of why she is working so hard is to make her life more enjoyable.
Taurus Female Compatibility with Other Signs
Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, and Pisces are compatible with Taurus. She's still incredibly hesitant and won't reconnect with a former boyfriend if he has dared to show her a sense of disrespect. The way out or more likely the door would be shown, overlooked like never before. After all, her emotions would prefer to invest in someone who does not deserve her affection, rather than her own business.
They have a mixture of most of the sterling attributes that are looked at by any guy. They are caring and believe that only in order to make others happy they are born. During adversity, they are stubborn, concentrated and obstinate. They have the opportunity to hold on to life's tight circumstances and issues. As long as her partner is committed to the union and makes her feel safe and secured, the caring ways of a Taurus woman make her a great giver in any relationship. Treat her wrongly and you can see her personality's fearlessness in full force. Like no one else, she will give the silent treatment. Often she may appear quiet and embarrassed, but not to preserve what she claims to be hers.
Taurus Female in Love
In honour of the true Taurean lady in love, the word picky was introduced. It takes these women a long time to choose an acceptable partner for life. A female Taurus is real and balanced and can be somewhat intimidating. These are nothing more but the facts! Recall her fiery temper? The cool and safe facade has a passion, it just didn't unleash it for the whole world to see. Often Taurus will fall in love with blinkers and concentrate entirely on their love life. Taurus' wife is passionate and gentle. Seductive and will pamper her husband in and out of the bedroom. She's going to take her time and has to be wooed. She needs to meet her partner and she's not going to commit until she thinks she's the right option. But only if she really provokes. She's jealous. Taurus women appreciate the romantic thrill of courtesy, affectionate and sensual, but never rushes into a relationship. Her relationships may take a long time to get away, as she carefully thinks about all aspects of her partner's intimacy before she commits herself.
Taurus Woman Celebrities
Megan Fox, Penelope Cruz, Adele, Queen Elizabeth, Cate Blanchett and Cher to name a few. These Taureans have won hearts of many all over the globe. That is the charm of A Taurus Female.
The ladies born under the Bull's sign often have a graceful and yet alluring and sensual but responsive character and are luxurious. These women project a simple elegance, be it comfortably dressed for hard work in vintage denim or lounging with silks. Natural beauty, they are particularly astonishing, although they do enjoy playing colours and sparkles for effect.
You will gain it for a long time if you learn how to love this earthly goddess as she deserves. Taurean women tend to remain firm and trustworthy in relationships.
Get the faith, and you are blessed with the earthly form of the Queen of Heaven who will work hard to make a vision of happiness in the relationship between you.
1. What are some negative traits of Taurus women?
They are fiery, which is both negative and positive at the same time.
2. What gift should I choose for a Taurus female?
These women are creative at heart. Select something that is impeccably handmade and one-of-kind. Maybe she won't thank you for something inexpensive, plastic, or mass-produced.
3. How to handle a Taurus woman according to astrology?
Astrology says you better find a balance ground. The fact is, she has incredibly well-thought-out, realistic, and highly logical arguments to make, and her reasoning is hard to disagree with.
4. Do Taurus females make good friends?
Usually, Taurus women don't need dozens of mates, as her motto is quality over quantity, and this applies to most aspects of her life, not just friendships.The bull is serious about friendships, and she is constant, faithful, and devoted. All she asks in exchange is that you stay as true to the herd as she is to you, and all will be well.
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