Sun Transit 2022 Dates & Remedies
Sun Transit 2022 offers accurate Sun transit dates, timings and impact of its planetary placement and movement on all zodiac signs as proposed by esteemed astrologers of AstroSage. In Vedic Astrology, the planet Sun is titled as the “King” since it earns the Centre position in the Solar System and is the benefactor of Father, masculine influences in one’s life and authority. Get detailed insight into the impact of Sun transit through Sun Promise Report 2022 and get effective remedies as well.

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हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करे: सूर्य गोचर 2022
Sun Transit in Vedic Astrology
While the planet Sun represents our innermost self, the soul, we as individuals tend to only manifest our outer self or ego. It gives the native the ability to lead, desire to earn name and fame. Sun in Vedic astrology is also considered as a king, so its rules royalty, state and the higher position as well. It also signifies good health, vitality and well-being. A strong Sun indicates a person with leadership qualities.
Sun takes one month to transit in a sign. It is a vital planet in the solar system, and this transit has a substantial impact on your life. The following are the effects of the Sun's transit, as per your sign or Rashi, that is the Indian moon sign. Here are the general effects as given in the classical Vedic astrology and Scriptures. However, they can vary quite a bit based on your individual horoscope.
It is imperative to understand the fact that Sun transit has a different impact on each sign of a horoscope. The house in which the Moon is placed is considered to be the ascendant of that horoscope through which the transit is analysed. Transit of the Sun in the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th house ascendant is set to give good results. It should be noted that the effect of the transit changes every time a planet changes the sign, and Sun transit in any Moon sign is likely to cause the natives harmful outcomes in terms of health such as mental stress, blood pressure, heart problems etc. When the Sun transits in the second house from the moon, it creates fear of loss of wealth and business. Conflict and separation from Friends also cost in this phase. Sun transit in the fourth house leads to mental as well as physical discomfort. It can make your life illusionary, life problems to self and children. Sun in the seventh house of the transit brings unpleasant situations in married life. Sun in the eighth house leads to court cases, jail, legal problems, whereas when in the ninth house, it gives troubles from the government and state. When in the 10th house, the native is able to accomplish all the tasks quickly. Sun in the 11th house helps you come across opportunities, whereas when in the 12th house of the kundli, it increases physical discomfort. Let us move ahead and know Sun transit 2022 dates and overall impact on all signs.
The Predictions In This Article Are Based On Moon Signs. Know Yours Here: Moon Sign Calculator
Sun Transit 2022 Dates
Sun Transit 2022: Aries
The transit of the Sun into Aries is a very favourable transit for Aries natives. The auspicious 2022 Sun transit is likely to bless you with better career opportunities, and you may also get promotions or salary hikes during this transit of the Sun. You may also stand a chance to gain from government authorities, and you can also sign some profitable business deals as well. Financially, the transit is also auspicious in terms of finance as you can foresee a continuous inflow of money, and hence there will be an increase in your money flow. The period is very progressive in terms of career; hence it will grow your financial position. You are advised to invest in the energy sector as there are high chances of gains for you. Healthwise, you are likely to enjoy good health during this phase, and also, you will remain optimistic during this period. You will be very high on energy and enthusiasm, and if you are already suffering from ailments, you are likely to recover from them. However, in a relationship, your love life will seem to be average as due to the nature of the house, you can be a little dominant in your attitude. This can create some trouble in your love life. Hence it is advised to stay cautious and take a backseat if you need to during this period.
Remedy: Reciting Ram Raksha Stotra daily in the morning will give you favourable results.
Sun Transit 2022: Taurus
For Taurus natives, Sun rules the fourth house of comfort, luxuries and mother. During this transit, one of the Sun transit 2022 effects can be some decline in your mother‘s health; hence you could face some unpredicted problems, so try to be with her and help her by all possible means. Professionally, Sun transit is suitable for those who are facing blockage at work as, during this time, you will be able to complete all your tasks without any hurdles. Financially your expenses may increase because of the present lifestyle, but if you work patiently, things will be favourable for you, and you will get good growth in your career and finances. Future growth perspectives are likely to increase for you. Businesspersons are able to strike a good profitable deal here. Your anger may overlook your behaviour, so it will be beneficial to keep your distance from falling under any argument with anyone. There are chances that you will be burdened with the overload of work, so schedule your day accordingly. Particularly on the work front as highlighted in Sun Promise Report 2022 based on the transitory motion of the planet Sun in 2022, since your fourth house also comes into focus during this period, your mother will play an important role in influencing your important decisions.
Remedy: Offer water to Lord Sun every morning in a copper vessel.
Sun Transit 2022: Gemini
For Gemini natives, the Sun is the Lord of the third House of kundli of communication, siblings and courage. During this period, you will be inclined to make some intelligent moves to push ahead your prospect. This move will bring encouraging results for you, and you may tend to spend money in social circles to show off your financial events. However, don’t go overboard in spending money and look for ways to save money for the rainy season. There may be a lot of work on your side, and you may feel overburdened with it. Businesspersons may remain depressed for not being able to run the show satisfactorily. In the relationship area, your love life will remain good, and you are likely to spend more time with friends and siblings during this phase. Individuals who were married will see favourable results in their marital life. Your health might also be affected now, and your knee areas and your lower abdomen could be under stress during the transit. Healthwise, a healthy diet is recommended as you might also have some minor problems with the eye or neck.
Remedy: One of the Sun transit 2022 remedies would be to meditate on the Surya Yantra daily in the morning.
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Sun Transit 2022: Cancer
For Cancer natives, the Sun is the Lord of the second house determines family, money and speech. When your Sun is transiting from Cancer sign as per Sun transit 2022, you may have to suffer from health-related disorders. It is advised not to eat anything that you’re allergic to. There may be an increase in your ego and bitterness in your speech. There can be a dispute within your family owing to your personal behaviour. Also, your spouse may have to suffer the most; hence you are advised to give importance to your partner's suggestion and not to overlook their feelings. This period is also the best time to invest money for future needs. No major financial expenses are to bother you here in this transit. Acceptance level for you in social circles will enhance you. Make good use of this supportive time to push ahead your prospect in general. You are about to enjoy a good health condition during this phase. You will not have any major health issues and you will remain in a cheerful mood most of the time.
Remedy: Always pay respect to your father, or father figure and government.
Sun Transit 2022: Leo
For Leo natives, the Sun will remain in the ascendant house of your birth chart. This transit will prove to be favourable, especially for the Leo natives. Their social life will be very good, and there will be an increase in their respect, socially and they will be the centre of attraction due to their charismatic personality. You are held to be stable during this transit period, and you will find yourself quite efficient and energetic. There will be a good improvement in your personality in this duration, and you will feel a lot of zeal and enthusiasm inside you during this time. As per Horoscope 2022 based on Sun transit 2022, it is advised to still need to keep your words and speech under control because any new or bitter word that you may utter can hurt your near and dear ones. Therefore, minding your tongue is of extreme importance for Leo natives during this transit. Married couples can go out on a romantic date with their spouse and enjoy a blissful life together during this transit. During this phase, you will be acting fearlessly and exceptionally bold in your actions but deploy this attribute in the right direction; otherwise, it can cause harm to your reputation.
Remedy: Perform Surya Namaskar daily
Sun Transit 2022: Virgo
For Virgo natives, the impact of the transit of the Sun in the moon sign of Virgo is considered to be inauspicious, and you’re likely to face downtrends in your financial status, societal status, and there will be an adverse effect on health during this transit period. There are chances that you may have to face adverse situations at the workplace, and you are likely to face changes in your work area or get a transfer order during this period. You should try to calm yourself and be composed; otherwise, it could affect your mental health. Financially you may face unavoidable expenses, but you should not worry as the phase may pass soon. During this period as per yearly predictions 2022 based on Sun transit, it may be difficult for you to find mental peace as health issues are likely to disturb you mentally. You must avoid making hasty decisions during this transit, or you may have to face the consequences of wrong decisions later. There is also a rise in emotional pressure, and you would get a fair chance to travel abroad. Hence it is advised that this period is not very favourable for you, but the individuals who are residing outside India working abroad are most likely to attain positive results.
Remedy: Do Some Charity – Donate wheat, jaggery, dark vermillion colour clothes on Sunday to make the Sun stronger. This is an effective remedy mentioned in Sun Promise Report 2022 curated on the basis of Sun in transitory motion for the natives of Virgo zodiac sign.
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Sun Transit 2022: Libra
For Libra natives, Libra is an airy, masculine sign. It is symbolised by balance scales, the kind of scales used in the marketplace to weigh out the value a merchant is offering to a customer to ensure fair value for both the sellers and the buyer. The Sun, on the other hand, gives away light freely to all. Whether someone is rich or poor, a crook or a saint, everyone gets the full amount of Sunlight when they step outside. The Sun gets debilitated in the sign of Libra. In Addition, to feel constrained in Libra, the Sun is not friendly towards Venus. Hence the Sun transit in the Libra, some people may feel distracted from higher goals. Some people may face challenges in their relationship and be less willing to make the effort to graciously compromise with their partner for mutual benefit. Some people may feel out of balance in manifesting their desires and experience less comfort in material life. Sun is the Lord of the 11th house represents friends and as its lord is debilitated in your sign, it indicates that spending time with friends will be very important and the more you socialise with them and spend quality time the more auspicious result is going to follow for you. In terms of health with the Sun being a dry planet, it can cause many problems related to skin. It is advised to keep yourself properly hydrated during this time by drinking plenty of water.
Remedy: Avoid taking excess salt and rice in any form.
Sun Transit 2022: Scorpio
For Scorpio zodiac sign natives, the Sun entering in the sign of Scorpio indicates that This period will help you gain your money back. Professionally, this period is also likely to be favourable for you and those working far away from their home may get an offer or a job near their house. There are also chances of getting government jobs, and this period will also be beneficial for the Scorpio natives from the finance and education point of view. You will see multiple changes in your life, said to be one amongst other major Sun transit 2022 effects, and how you handle situations in life. There might be some aggression in your nature. Your relationship will likely be a little complicated during this period as there can be some minor disagreement with your spouse. Your ideas are bound to bring a change in this time, so stay patient and think things through before acting on them. Professionally, at work, you might not see a go-to working culture, which can be a source of worry. Due to boosting ego, your speech will be impacted; hence it is advised to stay composed and face things as they come without fretting over the future and what is to come. You will receive support from your father or father figure in your life. During this period, people involved in the government sector are going to gain large benefits at their workplace. As far as health is concerned, it is advised to stay cautious in matters of health and maintain good sleeping and eating habits to minimise stress and overthinking. During this period you can suffer from fever and headache problems. Take care of your health during this phase of transit.
Remedy: Recite Aditya Hridaya Stotra or Gayatri Mantra daily for pleasing Lord Sun.
Sun Transit 2022: Sagittarius
For Sagittarius natives, the Sun rules over your ninth house of Luck and Fortune. Hence it clearly signifies that you will be the most fortunate one during this transit. Any pending tasks can be re-started again. In this transit, you will be interested in doing religious deeds and will be involved in spiritual activities. A long-distance journey would be suitable for you, and it will bring gains too. However, on the contrary, it might increase anger and aggression within you. Due to that, you might try to seek attention and dominate others. It is advised for you not to make any hasty decisions and stop dominating things as it can be a drawback for you in the near future. Students will be focusing on studies that will help them find the right path to success. Financially, Investment in property will be fruitful for you. The problems of your life may be overcome by bravery, self-assertion and direction. During this transit, luck will support you to benefit from all the materialistic things as per Sun transit 2022 predictions. This transit will bring positivity and high energy to your life, so use it on the right and constructive part; otherwise, you may burn yourself by making wrong decisions.
Remedy: Offer water to Sun daily in the morning and perform Surya Namaskar
Sun Transit 2022: Capricorn
For Capricorn natives, Sun is the ruler of your eighth house of uncertainty, sudden loss/gain and transformation. It indicates that you may witness a sudden rise and fall during this transit. Things will become uncertain to you, and you will see sudden changes within you and all your personality. This transit will increase your leadership skills, and it will provide you with some health-related issues two. You may want to show your potential to your father or father figure, but there are chances that you may attempt to fail to impress him. Your ego may get hurt too. There may be some conflict with your father or in-laws during this transit. Students who are involved in research, or those related to the field of occult or spiritual practice. This period will give you good results. In this period, it is advised to avoid anger, aggression and dominating behaviour in order to maintain consistency in your life. You will improve everywhere, but your relationship with your spouse may suffer to a great extent. During this transit, you will try to assert yourself everywhere, particularly with your spouse, and it is likely to strain the relationship. Try to keep yourself in check when dealing with them. You will have to put in a lot of hard work to achieve in your professional life the goal you are aiming for.
Remedy: Always wash hands after touching the footwear. This will reduce the malefic effects of the Sun (Surya) as predicted by 2022 Venus transit predictions.
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Sun Transit 2022: Aquarius
For Aquarius natives, the Sun is the lord of the seventh house of marriage and partnership, and it will produce the most auspicious result while in the sign of Aquarius, and you will see a lot of improvement in your personality and conduct. You will find new motivation and strength to do any task, and you will always be filled with vital energy. You will put into use the things you are learning from past experience and will start new professional endeavours. You will be also conscious of how you look and what others feel about you, but this might also make you more self-centred. It will help you keep your temper in check. In married life, you may find some conflict in relationships with your business partner, which will improve with time if you keep your temper in check. It is advised to keep a watch over your health as you may face skin and stomach related issues. Journeys will not yield any expected results; hence it is advised not to travel during this transit if it is not very important. Do not make any hasty decisions; otherwise, you may land in trouble.
Remedy: Keep serving your father and maintain respectful relations with him, keep pampering him with gifts from time to time, and help him in his work whenever you can, thereby getting his blessings. This works as an effective Sun transit 2022 remedy for Aquarius natives.
Sun Transit 2022: Pisces
For Pisces natives, the Sun is the Lord of the sixth house of daily wages, debts, Enemies. Hence during this transit, take good care of your health as there are chances of minor infection or cold. You might feel a bit lethargic at your workplace, and this can hinder your reputation and performance in your professional life. Enemies may be planning something to get ahead, so you need to be cautious about the same. You might take a break from work and you would enjoy it to the fullest. Those who are involved in legal bout may receive good news since the Sun is the lord of your sixth house and positioned in the house of Pisces. Healthwise, problems may increase due to health issues in the past, and your health can become a reason to worry. Hence it is advised to exercise regularly and keep a proper diet.
Remedy: Avoid bribing a kingly appearing person, government officials and cheating the government; else, it will make the Sun weaker in the horoscope.
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