Snake Chinese Zodiac
The Zodiac Sign Snake is the sixth sign of the Chinese Zodiac. The people born in the year of the Snake share some traits and characteristics in common. The Snake is usually perceived as a wily being, that is gifted with wisdom.
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Chinese Animal Sign: Snake

- Lucky Numbers: 2, 8, and 9
- Unlucky Numbers: 1, 6, and 7
- Lucky Colors: Black, Red, and Light Yellow
- Unlucky Colors: Brown, Gold, and White
- Year of Birth: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025
Snake, the Zodiac Sign clad in mysterious aura carries the air of treachery. They are opportunistic creatures, who leave no chance to benefit themselves. Whatever they learn in their lives, they put it to full use. They learn by experience, and never let go of opportunities that would make them learn something new. They are the ones who seek obstacles as a way to improvise themselves. When it comes to sharing their experiences, they leave no stone unturned, and set an example for people to follow.
Traits of the Chinese Snake
The Snake is a solitary creature. Often labelled as a dark and sly being, it never gets to be seen in a good light. The legends associated with the reptile make it hard enough for anyone to perceive it in a bright manner. However, the Snake also symbolises wit and wisdom. It has its way of dealing with things, that makes it next to impossible for anyone to deal with its slyness. The people who are born in the Chinese year of the Snake are blessed with an impeccably witty and charming sense. They are smart and are usually well endowed in the matters of education. They are creative and have a distinct way of looking at things, which often goes unnoticed by the normal eye. The Snakes are good orators as well as great thinkers with radical ideas.
However, the Snakes have a habit of being alone. They make this their comfort zone and absolutely loathe it when someone tries to break in, in their zone. They are known to safeguard their own interests first, rather than that of the people around them. The solitary nature of the Snakes makes people think that they have no interest in socialising and making friends, due to which the Snakes do not usually end up with a lot of friends.
The people born under the Chinese Zodiac Sign Snake have an enigmatic personality like the Snake. They are smart thinkers, who rule by means of their wit and charm. They are impatient in nature and want to get hold of what they desire. The Snake people want to have their own time, and speak when they find it necessary.
Positive Traits of the Chinese Snake
- The Snakes are wise enough to know how to communicate. They have magnetic communication skills are bewitch the people with their words. They make use of words that no one else can.
- Snakes have a touch of humour in their personalities, which makes them more lively. They never lack the fun element and can make people laugh and bring a joy to their lives.
- The Chinese Snake are decent and civilised. They have etiquettes and know well how to behave with people, which makes them sophisticated and likable.
- They are smart and learn by experience. Once they know that something could harm them, they keep it at an arm's length. By doing this, they keep troubles at bay.
- They are very sorted about their goals in life, and work hard to achieve them. They have a good observation power and see through problems at once. This helps them in getting the solutions easily.
- Their creative thinking and imaginative ideas make them stand out of the crowd. Their remarkable presence of mind impresses the people all around them.
Negative Traits of the Chinese Snake
- The people born under the Chinese Zodiac Snake tend to get jealous very easily. If they consider someone important in their life, they might begin treating that person as their possession. This cuts the personal space of that person, due to which the person feels bounded. This happens to the fact that snakes develop negative feelings such as jealousy and insecurity very easily.
- The Snake does not reveal its feelings to others, and is mostly confined to itself. This makes other people think that the Snakes do not trust them. Because of this trait, the Chinese Snake loses some of its really good friends.
- The Snake has hard time in trusting others and is a bit paranoid in nature. This might weaken the bond that the Snake shares with its near and dear ones.
- The Snakes are lazy and only get pumped up when they see a valid reason for it. Also, they have a frugal bent of mind, and might even cut the necessary requirements for accumulating money. This causes a disbalance in their lives.
Health Of the Chinese Snake
Snakes are prone to mental troubles. The Chinese Snake prefers living a life of the solitary. They tend to enjoy a calm evening alone, instead of hopping in a crowd. They don’t like living in the gray or living a life that has chaos. They need peace in their life, failing which they might fall the prey to headache, nausea, stress, tension, etc. Also, The Chinese Snakes are liable to get heart issues, such as congestions, arrhythmia, or heart palpitations. Insomnia could also give them sleepless nights. The people born in the year of the Chinese Snake often laze around and find ways to go off for a vacation.
Career of the Chinese Snake
When opting for a career, the Chinese Snake likes that suits it and its active nature. Otherwise, the Snake has the tendency to switch the job out of boredom.
Snakes bring out the best for them, when they are put under under pressure or are imposed on a deadline. This very nature of them makes them suitable for the job of an astrologer, a magician, a writer, a journalist, etc.
Snakes are born creative. Jobs that require quick wit, creativity, out of the box thinking are well suited for a snake. Being a fashion designer, composer, gardener, etc. puts the qualities of a Chinese Snake to full use.
Relationships of the Chinese Snake
The Chinese Snake has a strong personality, and does not get easily influenced by others.While being a positive characteristic in general, this trait can backfire when it comes to love and relationships. The Snake has hard time in changing its habits and lifestyle keeping in mind the requirements and perspective of its partners. People born in the Chinese Year of the Snake are quite attractive and manage to lure people with their charismatic looks and magnetic personality. Though a Snake might initially be hesitant while letting someone in their lives, as soon as they make a binding choice they love passionately. Upon entering in relationships, Snakes want their partner to be committed and loyal. They might get jealous and insecure at times, as they want their partners to give their all to them.
The Snake Man and Woman in Love Relationships
Snake Man
The Snake Man is usually popular with girls because of the mysterious aura he possess. His secretive nature lures people and as a result, he comes into the limelight. In love, the Male Snake is a diehard romantic. He is smart enough to make out what his partner thinks and act accordingly. Thus, they get into a relationships easily. Their fiery love and sense of belonging with their partner sometimes leads to the development of negative emotions like jealousy.
Snake woman
When a Snake woman loves, she loves madly. Her love us intense and passionate. Love lights up fire in her body and her soul. As a result, she loves with all her heart. She is a loyal partner and conveys her love by her words and her actions. She is a possessive lover, and sometimes leaves no personal space in the life of the one whom she loves, which might suffocate their partner.
Best Compatibility: Snakes are best compatible with a Dragon or a Rooster.
Worst compatibility: A Tiger, a Rabbit, or a Goat are the worst matches for Snakes.
Types of Chinese Snake
Metal Snakes – Years 1941 and 2001
The individuals born in the year of the Chinese Snake under the Metal element have a stubborn attitude, which makes them goal oriented. They are bestowed with valour and confidence, which further pushes them to achieve their goals.
Water Snakes – Years 1953 and 2013
Like the water flow, the thought process of Water Snakes is flooded with active ideas. They are high on adrenaline, and with their artistic bent of mind they never fail to amaze the world. They possess outstanding leadership qualities.
Wood Snakes – Years 1905 and 1965
The Wood Snakes are intelligent creatures, who like to keep things in order. They are very particular about the stuff they and give their all to get what they want. They are lovers of art and culture.
Fire Snakes – Years 1917 and 1977
The Fire Snakes have the light of passion in them. They are adaptable, as compared to their other counterparts. They can be social butterflies when needed and lone survivors when they want to. They are attention seekers, and tend to see the bright side and flip side of different aspects.
Earth Snakes – Years 1929 and 1989
The Chinese Snakes belonging to the element Earth are calm and serene as compared to other Chinese Snakes. They possess a fabulous self control and try their best to not let things go out of control. They are emotional and get attached to people quickly
Famous Chinese Snake Personalities
- Abraham Lincoln
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Muhammad Ali
- Charles Darwin
- Picasso
- Daniel Radcliffe
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