Sagittarius-Aquarius Compatibility

Sagittarius and Aquarius form quite the compatibility. Their bond is strong and powerful. Sagittarius loves to explore, go on adventures, and share, while an Aquarius is an idealist, social, individualist. All these traits make them a good fit, and their bond lasts for a long time. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter and Aquarius is ruled by Saturn. This combination of mighty Jupiter and wise Saturn brings adventures, zest, and zeal in the lives of both signs. Both of them can agree on a lot of things, like freedom, an optimistic mindset, and hiding their true emotions on the outside.
However, since both the signs are free-spirited, it can bring jealousy and doubts to their relationship. They both are impulsive, too, which can result in commitment mistakes on both sides. But if they overcome the negatives, the list of positives is far bigger for this match to work.
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Sagittarius and Aquarius Zodiac Compatibility
Sagittarius and Aquarius are one of the most compatible matches. Both the signs have a lot in common. They both are upbeat, optimistic, progressive, have forward-thinking, and most of all, they both value independence. Due to these aspects, there are chances that this bond may become a casual relationship for some time, but when they realise how well they fit, it might take the form of something serious. It is also one of the rare matches which can withstand the long distance in a relationship quite well. There are too many positives to this match compared to the negatives. One of the few weaknesses of this match is that both the signs are impractical.
Sagittarius is a mutable sign, while Aquarius is a fixed sign. Therefore, Sagittarius finds it hard to stick to a project while Aquarius likes to work on any job until the end. But as long as they openly communicate with each other, they can work together in complete harmony on almost any project. Aquarius will admire Sagittarius’ strength while Sagittarius will respect Aquarius’ intelligence. So, together, they make a pretty dynamic duo.
Sagittarius and Aquarius Business Compatibility
The knowledge of a Sagittarius combined with the vision of Aquarius does wonders at work. This partnership is restriction-free. Sure there is competition, but not a dull moment when these two are on board. They both are enthusiastic and share a mutual admiration. Sagittarius admires the vision, uniqueness, and inventiveness of Aquarius, while the Aquarius respects the initiative and brilliance of a Sagittarius. Since both the signs love their freedom a little too much, there are very few conflicts among them. They are very open about their alliance which helps them overcome all negativity and challenges coming in their way. When these two work together, they form an inventive and interesting team.
Sagittarius is a mutable sign, who takes charge of initiating or pausing an ongoing project. Aquarius is a fixed sign and helps in sustaining a project, as well as stabilising it rather than jumping to new assignments without completing the old ones. They are devoted and loyal and can accomplish a lot of great things together. In all, this combination of mutable and fixed signs covers all the aspects of a project, from planning to implementing, continuing it and sticking to it, to making it a success.
Sagittarius and Aquarius Love Compatibility
Both the Sagittarius and Aquarius thrive on adventure, they are born rebels and live for excitement. They have enough similarities to build a strong and healthy relationship. They find themselves attracted to each other not only because of the common grounds that they hold, but also the few differences. Due to their non-judgmental behaviour, they both get enough room to be honest and real in the relationship. They appreciate the bluntness and straightforwardness of their partner, which creates a positive pathway for their relationship to bloom.
The best aspect of this match is that both the signs believe in good communication, and they speak their mind out loud. Their communication is free-flowing, enriching, and unambiguous. Both the signs like adventures and surprises help them keep their relationship robust and lively for a very long time.
However, both the signs struggle with jealousy and possessiveness quite often. This sometimes creates a sense of resentment in their relationship. And as both the signs rely less on rational thinking and more on impulse, they might end up making relationship decisions that they may regret later.
Sagittarius and Aquarius Sexual Compatibility
Sagittarius and Aquarius enjoy a fun sex life as they both like to experiment in bed and learn new things. They both are good at communicating, which will heighten their sexual experience. The Sagittarius partner will bring warmth to the bond, and the Aquarius native will put forth their original ideas in the relationship.
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While the sexual experience could be a perfect ten for them, creating an intimate relationship will be a challenge. Their emotional bond can be on and off, which can make them doubt their almost perfect match. This can also be because a Sagittarius is quite the enthusiast who cannot stay hooked to one partner for a long time, while the Aquarius loves its independence and freedom. Due to this, both the partners may go through trust issues which may lead to a lack of intimacy.
Sagittarius and Aquarius Family Compatibility
Even though Sagittarius and Aquarius are a good match, they both are also commitment-shy. But if the pair decides to get married then this can lead to pretty dynamic family life. They both love surprises and travelling. So a lot of their money will be spent on adventures, entertainment, and travelling. Their ability to communicate loud and clear will help them keep their family life transparent. Since they won’t have any major cause for conflict, this marriage can last a lifetime. The only thing that can cause trouble in their family life is boredom. If they manage to keep themselves entertained, which they most probably will, the family life of a Sagittarius and Aquarius will be a harmonious one.
1. Which planet rules Sagittarius?
The ruling planet of Sagittarius is Jupiter which happens to be the biggest planet in the solar system.
2. Which zodiac is the best pair in terms of long relationship with Sagittarius?
Leo, Aries, Libra, and Aquarius are generally considered to be the most compatible signs with Sagittarius.
3. Is Sagittarius a fixed sign?
No Sagittarius are mutable signs.
4. Describe the element of Sagittarius.
Fire is the element associated with Sagittarius. With their insatiable appetite for adventure and their insatiable curiosity, we'd suppose Sagittarians always had a fire burning beneath them. Archers suffer from severe wanderlust and are happiest when they can roam freely.
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» Sagittarius Characteristics
In relationship Sagittarians demand independence, but when in love, it can't be denied that they are one of the big hearted s...
» Sagittarius Facts
» Sagittarius Compatibility
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