Rabbit Chinese Zodiac
The fourth position in the Chinese Astrology is occupied by the Rabbit Chinese Zodiac (Hare). The Rabbits are gentle, quick, graceful, kind hearted, friendly, and long lived, and so are the ones who are born in the year of Rabbit.
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Chinese Animal Sign: Rabbit

- Lucky Numbers: 3,4,6
- Unlucky Numbers: 1,7,8
- Lucky Colors: Pink, Red, Purple, Blue
- Unlucky Colors: White, Dark Brown, and Dark Yellow
- Year of Birth: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023
The Rabbit is an elegant animal, that is swift and quick. Upon encountering anything that it considers dangerous for itself, it ends up leaving the battlefield. A Rabbit is observant and pays keen attention to everything that happens in its vicinity. Being an enchanter, it has the ability to bewitch people with its puppy eyes and unsullied smile. All these characteristics of the Rabbit are present in the people who take birth in the Chinese Year of the Rabbit. The people belonging to the Chinese Zodiac Sign Rabbit tend to be compliant and obedient, and are thus considered reliable and dependable by the people around them.
Traits of the Chinese Zodiac Rabbit
The most prominent characteristics of Chinese Rabbit Zodiac people are their wariness, amiability, and generosity. Their docile front lures people into believing that they are ignorant and naive, which they are not. Instead, they are canny watchers, who keep a record of all the activities taking around them. They are the first one to turn their backs from the arena, as soon as any danger shows up. Due to their swift course of action during adverse situations, they manage to evade a number of things that would have inflicted damage upon them. For the same reason, they miss some opportunities which would have proved fruitful for them. They hardly realize the fact that life does not give a second bite at the cherry.
In the case of encountering a troublesome situation, Rabbits adhere to their code of conduct and tactfully deal with the situation to get to the bottom of things and obtain the solution. This methodical approach followed by them makes them reliable and dependable.
Rabbits seem to be afraid of change and like to keep things the way they are. They value the things and the people they have adapted to and developed a connection with. Due to this nature, they are considered to be loyal and faithful. They bewitch the people they meet with their kindness, but at the same time, they fear to reveal their secrets, due to their cautious nature.
Positive Traits of the Chinese Zodiac Rabbit
- People born in the year of the Chinese Rabbit people are peace loving and do not want to entangle themselves in argument and tussles. Being with them ensures that you do not have to go through melodrama every now and then.
- Rabbits are sensitive and understanding, which makes other people trust them. Their compassionate behavior coupled with modesty is a major reason why people look up to them. Rabbits never intentionally hurt anyone or utter disrespectful words for someone.
- They, no matter what good it does to them, do not dwindle under pressure and abide by their high morale. Chinese Rabbits are thus known for their ethical and moral values.
- Their keen observation skills help them in examining any situation minutely and decipher the deepest details with impeccable accuracy.
- When they have nothing to do, they can be lackadaisical in nature. But, as soon as anything comes up that needs an immediate action, none other than a Rabbit is active enough to do it.
Negative Traits of the Chinese Zodiac Rabbit
- Rabbits are overly cautious and nervous, and thus face a hard time in trusting others. Their timidness is evident from the moves they make, and it is easy for their opponents to figure out their weaknesses.
- Rabbits are shy and hesitant when it comes to making confessions or commitments. They do not open up easily and keep their cards close to their chest. This secretive nature often creates hurdles for them in their love and marital life.
- They are escapists and like to live in their own dreamland. If someone tries to burst their bubble, they might not like it. To them, staying in their zone is a priority.
- The Rabbits like to live in the present, and hardly think about their future. Due to the same reason they often fail to have a frugal bent of mind and indulge in extravagance. They like to live in the moment, and this attitude of theirs often poses difficulties in their own lives as well as in the lives of those who are closely connected to them.
- The Rabbits prioritize themselves. This can make them a prick for the ones who are around them. They can act selfishly, as they do not want to deprive themselves of the materialistic comforts that they desire from life.
Health Of the Chinese Zodiac Rabbit
The Rabbit is not much blessed when it comes to health. Rabbits are more prone to falling ill due to cold weather. They must, therefore, take utmost care of themselves to guard themselves against the rash cold weather. With a healthy and balanced diet, Rabbits can make their fragile bodies fight infections and health ailments. During summers, they need to hydrate themselves to counter the scorching heat and keep their immune system active.
Apart from external conditions that can adversely affect the health of Rabbits, internal factors such as over thinking and taking much stress than necessary. The Chinese Rabbit has a knack for pondering over and over upon the same thing; the stress and tension that has no way out of their head are amongst the reasons that might deteriorate their mental status. They are required to release the negativity that they generally keep to themselves in order to be gain physical as well as mental health. Meditation, Yoga, and other stress buster activities can do wonders when it comes to improving the health of Rabbits.
Career of the Chinese Zodiac Rabbit
Rabbits are known for their observation skills and are thus suited for the jobs, which can make use of these type of skills. Since Rabbits are good at figuring out minute differences, they can be good secret agents, intelligence officers, detectives, or forensic scientists. They are blessed with green fingers, which could do wonders. The Rabbits are likable people and tend to win people's heart away in any job they take up. They have also been found to fit the world of art and culture, and they shine brightly if they work as an actor, a singer, an architect, or a religious preacher, etc. However, they should stay away from careers that require manipulation of others or physically laborious tasks.
Relationships of the Chinese Zodiac Rabbit
The Chinese Zodiac Rabbit has a nature of understanding others. This helps it to develop a bond with others and gain their trust. People fall for the gentle nature of the Rabbit, but due to the Rabbit's habit of keeping its secrets to itself, the people take no time in deducing that the people born under the year of the Chinese Rabbit are confined to themselves. This creates hurdles in their relationships, which are often noticed by the impeccable observatory skills possessed by them.
Rabbits are social and tend to get along with the society and abide by the social norms. Their kind and gentle nature make them stand out of the crowd. They have more friends than enemies and have an urge to turn enmity into friendship. Their wavering thoughts can sometimes land them into trouble and spoil their relationships.
As far as love relationships are considered, Rabbits intend to stay faithful in their life. But for a Rabbit to continue the relationship loyally, a trustworthy partner is needed, who not only sees the good characteristics of the Rabbit but also accept its downfalls with all their heart. Generally observed in a Rabbit's case is the blossoming of love from the seeds of friendship. This happens owing to the fact that a Rabbit needs to form a strong bond before baring its heart and soul to someone, which usually takes some time before budding into a fully fledged romance.
The Rabbit Man and Woman in Love Relationships
Rabbit Man
The man belonging to the Zodiac Sign of Rabbit tend to be very polite and gentle in their relationships. They are drool worthy gentlemen, with a sense of justice that makes every woman yearn for their love. While people instantly fall in love with them, they tend to be very choosy while selecting their partner. As a result, they do not fall in love easily. They think highly of themselves and want their partners to be perfect. They, being keen observers do not fall into a love trap as they are able to figure out what is going on. They are faithful and loyal partners but experience a hard time in trusting others. This is due to the cautious nature they possess, but the same thing can be felt as a sign of disinterest by their partner, making things complicated for them. Their kindness and orderly ways help to tackle any problem that they might come across in their relationships. A man belonging to the Chinese Year of the Rabbit likes to make things simple and does not like arguments. He has high hopes when it comes to his love, and does not want to be disappointed or betrayed in a relationship.
Rabbit woman
A woman born under the Chinese Year of Rabbit reeks of insecurities. She has a habit of doubting others and taking a long time to build a long lasting trust. She is afraid of being rejected or ditched, which adds to her insecurities. She looks for a relationship in which she is pampered and taken care of. Her partner must be loyal if he wants to win her heart. She is as secretive and does not reveal her weak points to others. While she is over-particular about the characteristics and nature of the person whom she wants as her partner, she settles for him as soon as she makes a choice and gives her all in her relationship. Unlike the man born under the Chinese Zodiac Sign Rabbit, the Rabbit woman knows where to let her ego go and adopt ways so as to live a happy and peaceful life with those she wants.
- Best Compatibility: Rabbits are best compatible with Sheep, Monkey, Dog, or Pig.
- Worst compatibility: The Rooster or the Snake are the worst matches for Rabbits.
Types of Chinese Rabbit
Metal Rabbits – Years 1951 and 2011
Metal provides the qualities like enthusiasm and zeal, which are generally found lacking in Rabbits. It makes the Metal Rabbits more active and action oriented, and as a result, they are ambitious and work hard to achieve the goals they have set their eyes upon. Also, the Metal Rabbits have a good social understanding, and thus manage to blend well with the society.
Water Rabbits – Years 1903 and 1963
The people born in these years are the ones, who easily get influenced by other people. Due to this reason, they generally fall victim to other people’s manipulations. They go with the flow, and as a result, easily adapt to prevailing conditions. People hang around with them in order to use the Water Rabbit for their own benefits.
Wood Rabbits – Years 1915 and 1975
They are generally dual natured. On the front, they look simple and naive, but they are known to possess a shrewd nature that they keep hidden from the eyes of others. They can be weirdly awesome at times, and never fail to surprise people with their unique outlook and perspective. They have been seen to be very generous, and always lend their helping hand to those in need.
Fire Rabbits – Years 1927 and 1987
The Fire element fills the Rabbit with heat and energy. It makes the Rabbit hot and appealing in personality, and thus a charmer. The Fire Rabbits are more open to taking challenges than other Rabbits. They are attention lovers and have a body and soul that yearns for adventures. With their known conservative thinking, they tend to stand out in the crowd.
Earth Rabbits – Years 1939 and 1999
The Earth Rabbits have a down to earth personality and are brutally honest. They do not indulge in sugar coating their words as they speak. They have a craving for material wealth and success and are ambitious to the core. They do not chatter about their goals and are secretive in nature. They want to have a prosperous future for themselves and work hard to achieve their goals.
Famous Chinese Rabbit Personalities
- Zac Efron
- Brad Pitt
- Lisa Kudrow
- Michael Jordan
- Albert Einstein
- David Beckham
- Angelina Jolie
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