Planet Mercury - In The Word of Astrology

Intellectual, ingenious, convertible, dualistic, mutable, and feminine planet Mercury is very near to Sun and one of the four terrestrial & innermost planet of the solar system. It is both benefic and malefic planet by its nature depending upon its position in one's Kundli. "Atharva Veda (Hindu Scripture)", "Sharat Ritu, that is, around October and November", and the "color green" are governed by this planet. Mercury's fortunate number is 5. Mercury is the chief governor for education and main ruling planet (Karaka) of Uncle.
Mercury-In Universe
Mercury is one of the inner planets in the Solar system. It is an average about 36 million miles away from the Sun. Planet Mercury has no oxygen, no atmosphere, but has immense heat. It is a dry, fastest moving planet, and very small in size. It is also one of four terrestrial planets in our solar system which is also similar in appearance to the Moon. The orbit of Mercury is also eccentric and much elongated. It completes its rotation round the Sun in 88 days. It is also one of the very nearest planets to the Sun. Planet Mercury expose unbelievable atmosphere. One half of Mercury is extremely hot but the other half is enormously cold. It is shocking to believe that sometimes temperature may reach 450 degrees Celsius in day time in this planet and sometimes there is no light from the Sun. So no living organism can think to survive here. It is very far from the Earth and can't be seen with our naked eyes, but we can observe it through a telescope.
Myths of Planet Mercury
Planet Mercury is 'Budha Grah' in Vedic or Indian Astrology. It is also regarded as the God 'Kesava', 'Madava' or 'Narayan' by Hindus. Ancient name of Mercury was 'Thoth' or 'Hermes'. Roman mythologists believed that the planet Mercury was the Son of 'Jupiter' and 'Maia and Maiestas'. He was also a 'messenger of Gods' wearing winged sandals and the 'God of Trade'. 'Mercury' means also 'Commerce' from Latin origin. Mercury is said to be the inventor of Lyre. He always shows duality and lacks concentration. Vedic Astrologists conceive it as Grah Budh-Sun of Chandra (Moon) with Tara (Taraka). He is the God of merchandise and protector of merchants. He rides a carpet or an eagle or a chariot drawn by lions with carrying a scimitar.
Planet Mercury in Astrology
"Planet Mercury" or Budh Grah" is a changeable, neutral, intellectual, indecisive, effeminate, dualistic, and feminine planet. Planet Mercury is the ruler of third zodiac sign Gemini (Mithun) and 6th zodiac sign Virgo (Kanya). The person born with Mercury as ruling planet is highly intellectual, creative, and analytical and possess with a catchy mind. Mercury with good aspects shows a little diplomatic brain, and excellent disputant character. The native will highly believe in logical things, he will convert himself according to the situation. Planet Mercury rules over one's mentality, central nervous system and the body language. It is also a talkative planet so people born with the ruling planet Mercury can become successful salesmen, marketing person, insurance agents, and Public Relations executives with excellent communication skill. Planet Mercury governs Atharvanan Veda (Hindu Scripture), and Sharat Rithu or October and November. Green color is also governed by this planet.
Influence of Planet Mercury in Horoscopes and Astrology
According to the Western Astrology system, Planet Mercury is unable to form any major aspect with other planet as it can never be more than 28 degree from Sun. Anyways; Planet Mercury shows both benefic and malefic qualities. It is a convertible planet by nature. If Mercury conjoins with other planets in good aspects it shows benefic results but if it occupies evil houses in one's horoscope it may show worse outputs. For examples:-
- Mercury with Sun: The conjunction of Mercury and Sun in the same house will give to the native adaptability and an adjusting temperament. He will have a quality to create jovial moment in any kind of atmosphere.
- Mercury with Moon: Good Aspect of Moon to Mercury shows that the native will be imaginative highly creative, reasonable and quick- catchy person. He will enjoy sudden changes and give original ideas. But on the contrast, if Mercury forms evil conjunctions with the moon in native's horoscope, he will always be a confused and worried person.
- Mercury with Mars: if Mercury and Mars form a good aspect with each other, it offers fine health and copious energy to native. The native will be energetic, active, sharp and smart in work. But evil relationship of both with each other makes native rash, arrogant or violent, and impulsive. He may also suffer with brain-disorders.
- Mercury and Jupiter: Mercury forming a favorable aspect with Jupiter indicates that the person will endow a fair-decision power. He will be versatile, wise and prudent, and optimistic person. If Mars has any connection with Mercury in one's horoscope, one can enter into a niche profession like Revenue Officer, Treasury Collector, Astrologer, Bank agents or etc.
- Mercury and Venus: Good aspect between Venus and Mercury makes a person cheerful,
amiable and friendly. The native will dislike disputes and disharmony. The person
will make money
through scented articles, paintings or through music. But if Venus forms bad connection with Mercury, the native will never get high status in society. He will always face obstacles in his growth path.
In the similar way, Mercury forming good connections with other planets in one's birth-chart indicates beneficial results and influence life in positive way, but on the other hand, if Mercury forms bad connection with other planets, it spreads evil influence in one's life.
Planets in Astrology
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