Pisces Woman
Pisces Woman, often referred as the Fish are born between Feb 19 to March 20.The zodiac sign of Pisces, depicted by two fish pulling in opposite directions, is almost always baffled whether to meet with this physical world's demands and be materialistic in one's approach to life or listen to and be spiritually inclined to their inner voice. By reading about their characteristics, you may be better able to comprehend these ambiguous creatures.

There's just something about her way of floating in a space like a divine priestess, always dressed in flowing silks, seemingly not quite made of flesh and blood. Instantly, her aura of knowing wisdom gives you the impression that you are interacting with a quite old soul. Reality is not often her favourite place to live, and she will always be overwhelmed by coping with regular routines and tough and fast rules.
The world of dreams and imagination is always where these women feel most at ease, and they typically have wonderfully vibrant thought processes. Their subconscious realms are populated with symbols and associations that have strong links that only they really understand, but she will feel incredibly happy if you try to explore the heart and psyche of a Pisces woman with her and display sincere interest about her secret internal workings.
Because of the depth of her emotional nature, Pisces experiences emotions most individuals never will. The fish swim in the water. These waters are as infinite as her thoughts. Like the mysteries and secrets that bewilder many seekers, she sees and feels things that go below the surface of life. This inherent capacity gives Pisces a unique view of daily events, but it also triggers her anguish as very few people understand her in-depth understanding of life. No wonder people are actively seeking guidance and counsel from her.
The woman of Pisces is a true dreamer, spiritual, curious, and gentle. Whether it be her own instincts, her thoughts, or the realm of spirituality and faith, she places a great deal of focus on the unknown in her life. This is a woman who often seeks greater meaning, from the grand scheme of life itself to her own social experiences, and finds it. She absorbs the events around her, creating correlations that would never really be seen by other people. She recognises trends in other people's attitudes and behaviour, and can be very intuitive as to what motivates them.
Pisces Woman Personality Traits
Pisces is the Zodiac's twelfth and last sign. Pisces is very intuitive and spiritual, as they are regulated by Neptune. She is compassionate and loving and takes other people's needs into account. This fancy, dreamy woman must decide how she swims: by the flow or against the flow. Pisces are sweet - and strangers to their families. The Fishwoman is either the quiet person in the corner who listens to the problems or the outgoing greeter who welcomes each person warmly at every meeting.
The characteristic features of the ultra-feminine Pisces woman are enigmatic, mystical, thoughtful, sympathetic, loving, sacrificial, assuming and idealist.
The Pisces women sometimes see and feel things that other less aware people overlook, making them often appear psychical and enigmatic. They are often sensitive and unspeakable and often able to interpret messages from others such as body language in a subconscious way. She can use this keen intuition in many directions, such as an exceptional emotional healer, a talented artist or a shrewd businesswoman.
Pisces women are most likely to absorb feelings from the surrounding world, often happily or saddened by other people's moods. As a result, the optimists often prefer the business to the pessimists, causing their own issues, as optimists are usually much less sensitive and compassionate, qualities that play an equal part in Pisces's partner.
Many Pisceans feel that giving others is the best way to find inner peace, and in many ways this is the most caring and selfless sign. They strive to give anyone they care about a piece of themselves. Sometimes they are really satisfied to support people generally.
They have trouble saying no or leaving bad circumstances or relationships and think with their heart and not with the brain, they seem to dislike conflict or hurt other people in any manner. You still want to go with the flow and any pressure drains your resources.
One side effect of its mix of personality traits is that the uncaring or bossy uses Pisces quickly. This can sometimes lead to a vicious cycle of diminished self esteem and increased acceptance, generally from the person who is wrong with it. One of the main life lessons is learning to be a little selfish, so you can choose better who is deserving of your help and affection.
An idealist at heart, Pisceans are generally drawn to drama, poetry, imagination and illusion in an effort to avoid the rude truth and everyday deceit of living.
This woman's greatest challenge is her sense of not belonging to anywhere. It might seem at first glance that Pisces is too fragile and delicate for herself but that presumption is an illusion, just like the dreamy world she sometimes escapes. Fish have a strong personal strength, capability and durability. Pisces can be resourceful and surely strong enough to carry themselves on their two feet. The only thing she wants is help. Once she finds her true way, Pisces is a colossal force like the salmon struggling upstream. This persistence and resilience are just one surprising skill for a woman in Fish, sometimes hidden under her tender facade.
Pisces Female Career and Lifestyle
Fish women must normally find a career and lifestyle in which they can demonstrate their imagination, their faith, their will to support others - or preferably an uncommon combination of all three. These women are caretakers and healers, but they may not always do so in the most predicted manner.
Some might find passion for care, work as therapists or counsellors, or perform holistic therapies such as reiki or massage. The woman of Pisce is also passionate about old methods of cure and magic, such as astrology or herbalism. These old souls tend to do things as they were, preferring pen and ink to computers and technology.
The women of fish enjoy imaginative art, fashion and all that gives them the chance to play with glamour, colour and whims. The formation and production of costumes in theatre productions behind scenes or the design of beautiful clothes would be well suited to this zodiac.
The Pisces women are superbly sensitive to emotion, governed by the 12th house of intuition and communication, so psychology and behavioural sciences are a good place to do so. You can also encircle your profound spirituality and intuitive powers by being mediums and psychics as you are instinctively open to the subconscious. They are inclined to appeal to people and want to support people in need, so the Pisces emphatic woman is better adapted for a social career. With a different world theme, they make outstanding fashion designers and give clothes a new sense of beauty and grace.
The Pisces women would not be able to function in a hostile climate, as she is responsive to any little ripple. Give her something that needs attention and imagination if you have a Pisces employee who works for you. As a manager, she also allows little items to go by and overlooks her workers' numerous errors. She is highly dependent on her instincts to keep the best.
She doesn't want to be a slave to contemporary trends and constructs and stereotypes. Also, her clothing is not restricting and her wardrobe is easy to put in and out of. Fortunately, she usually can get away with a lot. She has an unusual quality because she can blend in and stay distinctive somehow. Pisces flairs for fantasy, suspense and imaginative production, and this is often noticeable in its own style. Often she has more love for shoes than normal! Pisces tend to be awkward, restrictive, or excessively defined against any style. This is consistent with a character who is never harsh or austere. The soft and breezy lines are patterns that complement the personality of the Piscean, and soft instead of primary colours. Show them that you are proud of their ingenuity, and their hearts are filled with appreciation. They love to offer presents, but they love to receive them even secretly. Pisces Female Compatibility With Other Signs
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac which contains everything from every prior star sign. They like to live a comfortable life and in general are laid-back, happy, self-sufficient people. Adventure and mystery are ruled by Neptune, the Sea's Creator, and whatever is offbeat, mystic and distant, is bound to catch their attention. They love to explore-be a human, place or idea, and have a special affinity for water-all of which are connected with their planet, element and sign.
Being a feminine water sign, Pisces women is most compatible with the other two water signs in the zodiac chart, namely, Cancer and Scorpio. Its relationship with Capricorn and Taurus can prove to be successful too.
Pisces Woman in Love
In love, a woman from Pisces is calm and serene; this is also the first experience that of this lovely creature one has. You will find her as a soft, gifting person once you get to know her. She will happily obey you and respond to any pleasure as long as you are trustworthy and carefully shower her. She likes to dream and her vivid imaginations can confuse and delight you, making sure that no moment is boring. She has a special capacity, almost like an infant, to love unconditionally and is an occurrence that you are going to appreciate forever.
When a woman of Pisces gets into love, she is an illustration of ascended Venus - excited, motivated and enchanted. Her attention will solely concentrate on the topic of her wishes and she will enjoy the rush of emotions that inundate her heart at every moment. She begins to behave like a young child, confident that this partner might be the One as soon as she feels love. She is naturally smiling and attractive when she's in love, and from her emotions she gains unbelievable power as if the world makes sense finally. It's the logical moments in life which drains its energy from it and emotions charge its batteries no matter how long it lasts.
Sometimes she will stick to ideas of platonic love in the hope that the day arrives when the love will eventually be magically realised. She chooses these remote, unreal connections when she too much is afraid of reality and particularly prior to sexual activity. As a muse, her partner would be inspired by her feelings of adequacy and talent. But when she feels under strain or disrespect or her love is simply gone, she can change her mind easily. You can't depend on her devotion, because she's always free to have someone out there that can love her in a better way. It is best to let her be who she is and hope for the best if her husband wishes to keep to her.
A loving Pisces woman expects magic and mystery, just like the wild, beautiful deep blue world. It is a witty daydream, a flight of fancy, that she likes to enjoy. It's only emotional courtship for her, and she wouldn't be anywhere else.
It is true that Pisces gives in love a lot, but not everything. It's a mistake to assume that Pisces is weak. But it's also a mistake to assume that Pisces is strong. The two are she. The message is don't force it to its limits; it seems like they have none, but it does at some stage draw the line. Stop using her good qualities and her ability to sacrifice. She sees her will and should, as a force, her ability to forgive and understand. Even if this is an existence without you, she is absolutely ready to re-invent her life. However you should also prevent her from being labelled as powerful. Often she needs support and can feel very isolated.
Pisces Women Celebrities
Nobody knows a woman of Pisces entirely. You can just see what she wants you to see and shield everything else from your peculiar eyes. She may one moment be chatty, and the next moment she may be quiet. Although she is hurt, she will return to her cold pain, she will soon be able to see her forgiveness back to her warm self. Pisces has little to reproach her fluid essence, even though she wishes, defies such a blocking of vital channels for her very being.
The leading ladies of the Pisces are- Rihanna, Elizabeth Taylor, Kesha, Sophie Turner, Emily Blunt.
1. What are the negative traits of a Pisces female?
The strengths and weaknesses of this sign are the same, that they are overly emotional hence can be taken advantage of.
2. What makes a Pisces female a therapist of the group?
Well let's just say, Pisces are incredibly empathetic and in tune with the emotions of others.
3. What gifts should one give to Pisces lover?
Fish women love to receive romantic gifts, including flowers, with a poem you compose. They will enjoy something amazing and perfect. Fish women also enjoy perfume, made of essential oils smelling like rain, irises or water lilies.
4. How compatible are Pisces and Scorpio?
Scorpio and Pisces is one of your very best matches. A perfect union, often with soulmate potential! A Scorpio-Pisces relationship is magnetic, because you both recognise the need for intimate, soul-stirring bonds to each other.
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