Pisces-Aquarius Compatibility

When it comes to Pisces and Aquarius Compatibility, then Pisces is the most giving sign of the zodiac world. They are kind, patient, and compassionate. They would do anything for the people they love and put their needs before their own. They trust easily and believe that others can be trusted too. They find it hard to see bad in others. However, they get played due to their nature, and people tend to take advantage of them. When in love, Pisces makes their partner their whole world and would do anything to make them happy. They will shower them with love and gifts and take them out on dates. Aquarius, on the other hand, is a carefree sign, who doesn’t care about what people think of them. They can’t fake it to please others. It is why they come out as cold and distant when people first meet them. However, when you get to know them, you will see their fun side. Friends are an important part of their life, and they would do anything to protect them. They are intelligent beings who love interacting with like-minded people. When Pisces and Aquarius come together, they share intellectual conversations as both are smart signs. They are dreamers who would talk about bringing a change in the world and society. But neither would actually do anything to make it happen. They both need someone who would push them to achieve their goals as they lose motivation easily. So, they will be better off with other signs that encourage them.
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Pisces and Aquarius Zodiac Compatibility
Pisces and Aquarius compatibility will depend on the level of understanding that the signs share. It can either be very good or very bad. Both signs are introspective and look for solutions to the problems. But their different personality traits and different reaction to a situation can become overbearing for the other partner sometimes. Pisces and Aquarius are symbolised by a Fish and Water Bearer, respectively. Pisces is ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, and Aquarius comes under Uranus and Saturn. Jupiter gives philosophy, understanding, and teaching to Pisces, while Neptune is about spirituality. So, Pisces likes to explore new and exciting things, like their partner. Uranus gives innovative practice and iconoclastic ideas to Aquarius. Saturn focuses on giving the drive to act on these ideas. When the Water Bearer comes up with a new idea, the Fish likes to know more about it on an intuitive level. They create a complementary relationship. Pisces is a Water Sign, and Aquarius is an Air Sign. It is a very progressive and flexible union. Pisces is a Mutable Sign, and Aquarius is a Fixed Sign. Aquarius is in charge of bringing ideas to the table, and Pisces will happily support their partner. The best characteristic of the Pisces and Aquarius compatibility is their mutual interest in accepting cosmopolitan and modern ideas and cultivating knowledge.
Pisces and Aquarius Business Compatibility
Pisces and Aquarius business compatibility will be about creation and compassion. These partners seek constant adventures and solutions and fight for progressive ideas and truth. Problems rarely emerge when these two work together. However, Pisces can be irritated by the aloof and too intellectual nature of the Water Bearer, and Aquarius will find the gullible and self-sacrificing trait of the Fish overbearing. It can create issues between the partners on some occasions, but it won’t last for long. Aquarius will initiate new plans, and Pisces will be happy to take them forward. But if Aquarius loses motivation and leaves the project mid-way, Pisces will follow the lead and stop working on it. So, both partners will need constant encouragement to take the projects to the last stage. Good communication can enhance the Pisces and Aquarius business compatibility more.
Pisces and Aquarius Love Compatibility
Pisces and Aquarius love compatibility will be average. Both partners believe in dreaming big. Pisces listens to its heart, while Aquarius is about experimentation. Pisces is known for its originality, while Aquarius is creative. When these two are together, they form an inspiring bond with each other. Their belief in bringing new ideas and innovative change to the world brings them closer. Pisces provides emotional support to the Water Bearer, while the Aquarius attracts the Fish with its intellectual qualities. The ruling planets of these signs, Uranus and Neptune, evoke a sense of mystery in this relationship. Pisces will provide a safe space for their partner for expressing their emotions and help them achieve their goals, while Aquarius will help Pisces control their emotionality and mentality.
However, both signs will go through fluctuations in their emotions, which is the biggest down stride for Pisces and Aquarius love compatibility. Pisces is over-emotional and likes to give it all in a relationship, while Aquarius is practical and wouldn’t get much emotional in love. So, Pisces emotions will frequently fluctuate and Aquarius’ feelings will remain constant throughout. This pair can overcome this problem if Pisces learns to control its feelings and Aquarius learns to let things go in the relationship.
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Pisces and Aquarius Sexual Compatibility
Pisces and Aquarius sexual compatibility will be good. Their sex life will be intense and passionate despite their different personalities. They become friends first and hit the sheets later, which makes sex better for them. Aquarius is adventurous, and it will bring this quality to the bedroom as well. There will never be a dull moment in the bedroom between these two. The lustful desires of the Water Bearer are balanced by the Fish. Once love and trust bloom, things start to get even better. The Pisces and Aquarius sexual compatibility will be a combination of romance and passion.
Pisces and Aquarius Family Compatibility
Pisces and Aquarius family compatibility can work if both signs put equal effort into the relationship. Trust will be a key to their family life. The more they trust each other, the more their relationship will bloom. Communication will help them smooth the rough edges in their family compatibility. Pisces avoids confrontation, and Aquarius doesn’t believe in letting out emotions, so it will be rare to see them both arguing. Even if they do, it will be quickly resolved. They will need to comprehend one another well and understand each other’s perspectives to lead a healthy family life.
1. What type of personality do Pisces natives have?
Pisces natives are known to be overly emotional, gracious, sensitive, and empathetic. They are loving and caring and go to any extent to protect the people they love.
2. Which signs should a Pisces native marry?
The signs that make the best match for marriage with Pisces are- Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer, and Capricorn.
3. Are Pisces natives loyal?
Yes, Pisces is one of the most loyal signs of the zodiac world.
4. What does a Pisces dislike in a person?
Pisces hates people who lie and make excuses.
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These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!
» Pisces Characteristics
The creature associated with Pisces is the fish. Associated with future ideas, individual born under this sign are thought to...
» Pisces Facts
» Pisces Compatibility
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