Ox Chinese Zodiac
Ox Chinese Zodiac, the second zodiac sign of the Chinese Horoscope cycle, symbolises hard work, strength, and diligence. They are often seen in creative space, where they get to showcase their talent and earn a name for themselves.
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Chinese Animal Sign: Ox

- Lucky Numbers: 1,9
- Unlucky Numbers: 3,4
- Lucky Colors: Blue, Violet and, Red
- Unlucky Colors: White and Green
- Year of Birth: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
The Chinese Ox puts high value on morals and standards. They always stick to the ideals and give the highest pedestal to their family and work. They are a champ at handling things, due to their patience and consistent efforts. However, it’s a proven fact that the Chinese Ox can be stubborn at times, resulting in a narrow minded approach towards and topic of discussion. They tend to make detailed plans before going further with anything; success comes to them, no matter how slow, but it definitely comes due to the constant battle that they fight. They only lack at communication skills.
Traits of the Chinese Ox
The Chinese Ox zodiac people boasts off the qualities of a self assured and benign being. It’s confident in its dealings and supremely patient. They love fiercely and loyally; true to their attitude. They are generally thoughtful and pay heed to what they speak and how. There speech is clear and concise. Born leaders, the Chinese Ox persevere to reach the stars and aim for the sky.
They are also known for their temper and frequent mood swings and fluctuations. They value a person, but only till the time they don’t cross with their morals. They possess a narrow scope of vision, due to which they tend to ignore the gray areas of life and focus on either the white or the black. To them, there is no such thing as gray or uncertainty. They stick to their principles and that’s why it's hard for them to be persuaded by others. The Chinese ox has an excellent memory and retaining power, they can recall even a minor eye glance of knowledge! They are typically deft with their fingers, due to which the jobs concerned with that are brilliant for them. Doctor, surgeon, construction manager, or anything that puts their this skill to good use is the best for them. The Chinese Ox is a hard worker, who likes to put their physical stamina to good use. They take any task that comes their way head on, and do with complacent prowess!
They are someone on whom everyone can depend. They tolerate and stay on their path to success, despite the number of hurdles or obstacle they face. Because to them the real success is something that you’ve earned through toils and efforts. They stay put and determined to achieve the goals they’ve set for themselves. You would never see a Chinese Ox taking a shortcut to obtain anything. As per them, anyone who refrains from work or acts entitled, is not worthy of all that they have. The Oxen is capable of making their own decision, but never disregards anyone who deems it correct to give their opinion on their life. They listen and pay heed to their minds, but would never do what anyone else says. The Chinese Ox forms friendships that are deeper than just gossip and food! They look out for real conversations and bonds that go deeper than just food. They are people who strive in life for relationships which have more substance to them than just meaningless talks. Due to being connected to the earth and nature so deeply, the Oxen likes a good book on a solemn day. Or a bit of gardening would do for them. They like to keep themselves happy in their own company; a good book and a cup of tea or a piping hot mug of coffee would be their perfect way to celebrate!
Positive Traits of the Chinese Ox
- With a strong body, the Chinese Ox boasts of a sound mind and physicality. They tend to work oriented and do not shy away from any work that they have to do. They set high goals and work diligently in order to achieve them.
- The Chinese Ox is a thinker. They think and make plans before going through with anything. They take time to process everything. A calculated step is what they stand for. A slow steady approach is what they preach.
- Adamant and stubborn to safeguard their morals and principles, which makes them be at bay from manipulators.
- Honest and determined. The Chinese Ox has an extraordinary quality of being motivated enough to move the heaven and earth to achieve their set goal. They can bear unrealistic amounts of troubles in order to get what they desire.
- Value morals and principles more than anything. The Chinese Ox is deeply rooted to its principles and family laden values. They sometimes tend to go a little towards the family oriented side, which borderline makes them conservatives. They also have a knack for traditions and rituals.
- The Chinese Ox is straightforward in its dealings. They do not work well in environment which needs them to sacrifice their beliefs in any manner.
Negative Traits of the Chinese Ox
- Orthodox in their ways. The people born in the Year of the Chinese Ox tend to often fall back in the olden days; they bask in their own thoughts and sometimes perceive and believe only what they want to hear and see.
- Stubborn in their ways, the Chinese Ox zodiac sign often gets to experience it the hard way. They fall deaf to what advice people give them; this sometimes becomes a thorn in their path.
- Hate to socialise. The Oxen is an inflexible animal, stubborn in its ways, and introverted. They like being solitary and this solitude makes them independent and a hard worker. Therefore, they find it hard to come out of their bubble and socialize with everyone or anyone. However, when they do get out of that, they are the most fun person to be around.
- The people born in the year of the Chinese Ox lack at expressing their full passion in relationships. They remain silent and explain anything only when they are left with no other option and have to.
- Sometimes the Ox people make a mess out of everything. They dwell on little details and ponder over it way too much.
Health Of the Chinese Ox
Being physically strong, the people with Chinese Ox as their zodiac sign are strong individuals. They live a long and healthy life. They are hard workers who exert themselves way too much while at work. Being a stubborn sign, they seldom listen to others when advised to take their health and well being seriously. They don't take breathers and breaks, but continuously tire themselves. However, it's advisable that they incorporate some non work related stuff in their schedules to get their body and mind the much needed rest.
Career of the Chinese Ox
Having deft fingers, the Chinese Ox is a hard worker who gains joy by tools and efforts. They work under their own strict deadlines and tend to stick to them. Having an admirable quality of liking work that includes routine and schedule, the Chinese Ox have an eye for the detail. They work great when left to fend for themselves. They work seriously and meticulously.
The best suited occupations for the people born under the sign of Chinese Ox are, Architects, Painters, Real estate agents, Engineers, Managers, Banker, Broker, Archaeologist, Mechanics, interior designing, or anything that relates them to craftsmanship.
Relationships of the Chinese Ox
The people born in the year of the Chinese Ox are quiet and love their peace and tranquility. They thrive in cool and calm environment, wherein they fit casually and don't have to chatter much. They are not much of a talker, due to which they take time to gel along with people. Not being social and abhorring any kind of social events or activity comes naturally to them.
The Oxen hate idle talks and flirtatious passes. They don't adapt the change well, and take quite some time to get used to it. The Ox have a habit of not taking the blame for the wrong that they might have done, so in the relationship, the other has to take the fall for them every time. They usually take their own sweet time before falling in love, and once they do- they need to find the perfect partner, who is in for the long game. They are bad at portraying how they feel, so they make it up by not telling their partner, but making them feel the love in small things or gestures of sweet love that they do.
The Ox Man and Woman in Love Relationships
Ox man
Being orthodox in his ways, the Chinese Ox male spends most of his time toiling away. He could be seen always working and meeting up the deadlines. He would like to just sit by the corner and enjoy a cup of his favourite beverage. Sometimes labelled as shy, the Male Ox is nothing but a chauvinistic personality. A major defender of the equal rights, he likes to listen to all, but follow his heart and mind at the end. He likes being home and knowing the peace that it brings. Being an Ox he is stubborn in his dealings and quite easy to get fooled. The Chinese Ox man is great at teaching good manners and etiquettes to his child. Being an amazing parent is his forte. Although, there might be plenty of chances that the Chinese Ox male would tick off many with his extremely patient nature.
Ox woman
The females born in the year of the Chinese Ox presents the qualities of a person who likes to be private and shine only in front of people they like or love. She likes to spend her time in the quiet and read a book by the fireplace. Finding beauty in the most mundane of the things is her passion. She likes and values simplicity. Being a true Ox she likes working hard in order to achieve things that she has dreamt of. She is patient and kind; and it takes a lot of provocation before her patience breaks! She's a team player, but her true self comes shining bright when she deta to work alone.
In relationships, she's a great friend, a mother and a spouse. She puts great value on how she portrays herself. Despite this, she won't sacrifice her morals or beliefs for this. The Chinese Ox female like pastels and sober colors more than the outrageous ones. The woman would also require her counterpart to commit to her and provide her with a sense of stability and safety.
The Chinese Ox is most compatible with the Chinese Rat, Chinese MOnkey, or Chinese Rooster. The avoidable combinations for the Chinese Ox are, Chinese Tiger, Chinese Horse, or Chinese Goat.
Types of Chinese Ox
Metal Ox – Years 1961 and 2021
Keeping up with the general qualities of the Chinese Ox, the Metal element of the Ox have a knack for working hard. They keep themselves busy and maintain an air of cordiality around them. They are meticulous workers who strive hard to achieve their goals. Winning comes easy to them due to this quality. They shy away from showing or exhibiting any emotion in their dealings, in the fear of being labelled as emotional. They value trust and faith and put their full belief in their relationships. Having an active schedule, the Chinese Metal Ox usually keeps busy and occupied. They generally can’t figure out people’s emotions and their instincts for them.
Water Ox – Years 1913 and 1973
The Ox’s born under the water element are, the Chinese Water Ox. Maintaining the core qualities of the Chinese Ox, the Water Ox’s are hard working and diligent workers. However, they are adaptable and flexible in their approach and pay more attention to being social with others. They possess a strong sense of judgement and pass their verdict on almost everything. Quick at deciphering what others are feeling, the Water Ox is sincere in their dealings. They think in a jiffy and base their theories for every arguments.
Wood Ox – Years 1925 and 1985
The brashest form of the Chinese Ox, the Wood ox, have a tendency to be outspoken and being a bit crass in their language. They are selfless and work meticulously. The Wood oxen are a great team player and work efficiently when placed in a team, however, the confidence that they radiate and the strong sense of morals that they possess, they’re born leaders. They work well in an environment where they get to have the first say and take actions on their own. The upright attitude of the Chinese Wood Ox make them stand taller than the rest!
Fire Ox – Years 1937 and 1997
The Chinese Ox born under the Fire element possess the quality of a clever and cunning personality. They are short tempered and often react impulsively in situations that do not even require their response. Many a times they do not even consider the opinion of others, which makes them narrow minded. They think things on a different tangent. The Fire Ox lacks judgement sometimes and are short sighted. Their vision lacks clarity sometimes, but they often find ways to curb it.
Earth Ox – Years 1949 and 2009
The Chinese Ox people born under the element of the Earth are smart and know how to move forth with their life. They make good use of their time and plan things ahead of its schedule. They think things through and only then decide to go with it or not. They are resolute in their approach and give each being their due share of respect. They are generally the people who are liked by all. Possessing a modest approach towards every task, the Earth Ox is a reliable friend to all. They tend to get success early in their life due to this.
Famous Chinese Ox Personalities
- Charlie Chaplin
- Vincent Van Gogh
- Napoleon Bonaparte
- Barack Obama
- Cristiano Ronaldo
- Keira Knightley
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