Moon in Mrigasira
Know Result of Moon in Mrigasira as per Vedic astrology
Mrigasira nakshtra prediction : If there has to be a word for you, it will be ‘a researcher’ because you have a curious nature. You are always stay ready to find new things about spirituality, psychology, and emotions. Your one motive is to increase the knowledge and experience. You have a sharp mind and understand many subjects altogether. Your nature is polite, courteous, cheerful, friendly, and enthusiastic. Your mind and brains stays active all the time and new thoughts keep on coming to your mind. It gives you peace of mind to meet people and help them. You cherish living a simple life following the doctrines. Also, your thoughts are fair and unbiased. You are exceptionally intelligent in communicating and carry the skills of a wonderful singer & poet. Additionally, you are nowhere lesser than anyone when it comes on satire and humor. You usually avoid arguments, disagreements, and debates. It makes people believe that you are sheepish, which is not true. The truth is that you want to cherish the best of your life and don’t give any importance to the useless things. You believe that love and support are the basis of success and happiness. Logics are very important to you; that is why you analyze everything quite deeply. You have a strong faith on your beliefs and thoughts. When it comes on others, you behave nicely and expect the same from them. But unfortunately, it doesn’t happen. You must stay alert while dealing with friends, partners, and relatives because you are quite prone to cheating. There is an exclusive skill of leadership in you. You try to begin all the new tasks and fix all the problems.
Education & Income : You will get good education and also tell people that how and where they should use their money. But, it will be difficult for yourself to keep a control on your expenditure. At times, you will find yourself engulfed in the financial problems. You may prove to be a good singer, musician, artist, poet, linguist, romantic novelist, writer, or thinker. Certains fields may become the source of your daily bread and butter such as the construction of house, road, or bridge; making of instruments and appliances; various works related to the textile or clothing industry; fashion designing; pet care or selling things related to the pets; tourism department; any work related to research; physics, astronomy, or astrology teaching and training work; clerk; lecturer; correspondent; surgeon; service in army or police; driver; civil, electronic, mechanical, or electronics engineering.
Family Life : Usually, your married life will be good, but health related problems to spouse are possible. In order to cherish the best of married life, you must not act adamant and suspicious in behavior. Positivity will prevail gradually in your familial life. If husband-wife learn to ignore the weaknesses of each other, you both will prove to be a fabulous couple like Shiva-Parvati. Till the age of 32, you may have to face challenges in life. After that, things will start settling. Till the age of 33 to 50, time will be very much favorable and successful for you.
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