Moon in Krittika
Know Result of Moon in Krittika as per Vedic astrology
Krittika nakshtra prediction : You are a good advisor and optimistic. It is your speciality to behave gracefully and live a decent life. Your face looks quite vibrant and you also walk in quite a speed. The word critical in English has been originated from Kritika. Hence, it is a special quality of you to critically find flaws in people and try to fix them. Also, you are expert in analyzing the result of any work and then finding the hidden pros & cons. You are the man (or woman) of your words and also take interest in social service. When it comes on name and fame, you have got nothing to do with it, and you just don’t want to take favors from anybody. You believe in doing everything yourself. Also, you don’t know how to adjust with the situation and you stay firm on your decisions. You may look quite stern outside, but a lot of love, affection, and compassion has been hidden inside you. When you get angry, it is all about maintaining the discipline. You never want to scare anyone. Apart from this, you also have interest in spirituality. You may make progress in religious life by performing Japa, Tapa, fasts, etc. Once you decide to walk on the path of spirituality, nothing in this world can stop you. Being quite a hard-worker, you believe in doing something regularly. Be it the field of education, work, or business, you just want to stay ahead of everyone. Failing or lagging behind is something that you can’t bear. Being too honest in nature, you may get cheated as well. If you will try to stay away from your birthplace as often as possible, it will benefit you more. You are capable enough of giving effective suggestions to the problems of others. When it comes on name, fame, wealth, you just don’t want them by anyone’s mercury or by wrong ways. You have a remarkable skill of making money and it is in your habit to fetch any aim with the hard work. Your public life will also be glorious. You look attractive and love cleanliness. When it comes on your life, it is all about your rules and doctrines. You will have a special interest toward music and arts. Also, you can very well teach others.
Education & Income : You won’t stay at your birthplace usually and keep on moving to different places for work. There are some professions that can make you lucky like pharmacist; engineering; works related to making ornaments; senior officials of a university or president of a department; lawyer; judge; army; police or security force; fire brigade officer; baby care unit; orphanage related work; personality development and confidence building related works; spiritual Guru or orator; business related to fire such as confectionery, bakery, welding, smithing; sewing-embroidering, tailoring, making of ceramic or kaolin things, and all those works that include fire or sharp instruments.
Family Life : Your married life will be happy. Spouse will be skilled, committed, loyal, and homely. In spite of having such a wonderful environment at home, health of your spouse will be a matter of concern. Your life partner might have known you before. There are good chances of love marriage as well. You have a special attachment with your mother and you will get more love from her than your siblings. There are chances that life may stay quite strugglesome till your 50s. But, things are amazing from the age of 50 to 56.
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