Ketu Peyarchi Palan 2015 - Ketu Peyarchi Palangal 2015
Ketu Peyarchi Palangal 2015 predictions here to give you a glimpse of your life in the coming year, in accordance with the Ketu’s transit. Prepared by astrologer Pt. Deepak Dubey, Ketu Peyarchi Palan 2015 has information about every sphere of your life along with some really helpful suggestions.
Ketu is a shadowy planet
and lacks physical appearance. According to the mythological beliefs, Ketu is the
lower part of demon’s body. In short, we can say that Ketu is a malefic planet,
which has no visible impact and doesn't possess a head. As it lacks head, Ketu pushes
the native to follow his/her heart. Due to this very reason, it provides Moksha
(salvation). It is said that Ketu listens and is always ready to work. Being devilish
in nature, Ketu is very powerful.
It can be said that Ketu performs everything passionately and in minimum span of time. As it has no eyes, it produces results under the influence of the house or planet associated with it.
Some Important Facts About Ketu
- Due to its retrograde motion, Ketu always travels in opposite direction.
- Ketu resides in the house which is seventh from Ketu and hence, gives results opposite to it. It could be said that if Rahu gives positive results, Ketu will give negative and vice versa
- In each sign, Ketu resides for a period of 18 months; therefore, it comes back in that sign only after 18 years
- Ketu’s Maha Dasha (major period) is 7 years.
- Ketu remains satisfied in signs belonging to Guru , i.e. Dhanusu and Meenam
- Ketu gives seriously malefic results when there is either conjunction or aspect of Kuja and Surya
How Does Ketu Affect?
On July 12, 2014, Ketu transited from Mesham into Meenam and will stay there throughout 2015. It will leave Meenam on January 30, 2016, and will occupy zodiac sign Kumbam . As already said, it stays in every sign for a period of 18 months and during this phase, it travels in all the 9 Nakshatras (constellation), which means 2 months is each Nakshatra. As every Nakshatra is under the influence of a different planet, its results changes after every two months. Whether the results are favorable or unfavorable, they happen immediately and the affected person doesn’t get to figure out what actually happened. Ketu grants authoritative power and is the and provider of Moksha.
Here, I am telling you about the effects and results of Ketu transit in Meenam. I request you not to take these predictions as the final result, as impact of Ketu varies according to its position during one’s birth and also according to its current Dasha and Maha-Dasha. As Ketu’s results are always sudden, be it good or bad; hence, it would be good to take the advice of any expert.
Rasi Palan 2015 foretells that Ketu Peyarchi will happen in the twelfth house of Mesham natives. During this year, your enemies will be destroyed. However, there might be an increase in the number of your enemies, as predicted by Ketu Peyarchi Palangal 2015. Looking at your future cards, it seems that you might get harmed by some disease, fire, electrical appliance, weapon, or vehicle accident. Ketu Peyarchi Palan 2015 predicts that journeys might prove useless, as nothing fruitful is foreseen through them. In 2015, you are likely to get involved in unnecessary arguments or tiffs. If you are associated with work related to foreign land, your dream seems to be getting fulfilled. However, this success might not stick for long. Rasi Palangal 2015 says that you will get attracted toward religious deeds, if Ketu is favorable in your horoscope. Also, you will get indulged in doing charity and might go on pilgrimage. Last but not the least, you are expected to take interest in occult science as well.
Ketu Peyarchi Palangal 2015 says that you will attain ample of wealth if Rahu is good during birth and its Dasha as well as Antar Dasha are prevailing in the present as well. Reason behind this goodness is positioning of Ketu in your seventh house, as per Ketu Peyarchi Palan 2015. Due to its friendly association with Rasi Rishabham, Ketu will bestow you with materialistic pleasures. It seems that businessmen are going to do wonders this year, which will bless them serious benefits. Rasi Palangal 2015 foresees that servicemen will taste progress and betterment at work front. This is the time when you will cherish benefits from journeys too. Coming to the fate of children, this year seems a bit unfavorable to Rasi Palan 2015. In the end, we would like to say that caution is needed for the couples who are planning for a child and also for the ladies who are already expecting a child.
According to Ketu Peyarchi Palangal 2015, exalted Ketu is posited in your tenth house and hence, it is going to be a boon for natives who belong to social or political background. This auspiciousness will bestow you with increased name and fame. Ketu Peyarchi Palan 2015 further says that work done by you will get recognition as well as appreciation. During Ketu Peyarchi 2015, natives will get support from father and state government. You will acquire ancestral property and if any conflict is going on related to such property, it will come in your favor. Rasi Palangal 2015 predicts some unfavorable happenings as well. These possibilities are a decline in familial happiness, problems due to ill health of mother and hurdles related to new vehicle or home.
Rasi Kadagam belongs to Chandra and here, Ketu gives almost unfavorable results. According to Ketu Peyarchi Palangal 2015, exalted Ketu is positioned in the ninth house (in the Rasi of Guru) and Guru is aspecting it; hence, auspicious results are foreseen for the first six months of 2015. It seems that there will be an increment in your wealth. Excellent opportunities are foreseen for job and business, which will shower huge profits as well, assures Ketu Peyarchi Palan 2015. Journeys will prove prosperous and beneficial; however, if Ketu is not in benefic house during birth or any malefic Yoga is forming, Rasi Palangal 2015 says that luck might not help you. Hurdles will come up in every task. Make sure you stay away from gambling and lottery. As per Rasi Palan 2015, stay alert in matters of finance and image. Also, you need to keep an eye on your relatives and avoid trusting anyone blindly. No matter which situation you get in, you will always feel inclined toward religion and spirituality. Your self-confidence will outshine, foretells Ketu Peyarchi Palan 2015.
Being associated with Surya, Simmam is the enemy of Ketu. Rasi Palangal 2015 predicts that Ketu is there in your eighth house, which is degrading the situation further. As per Ketu Peyarchi Palan 2015, natives who have Kaal Sarp Dosha from this house and Rahu is in the eighth house at the same time; this situation is really critical. You might get harmed from fire, electricity, poison, or accident. Due to the impact of Ketu Peyarchi, unfavorable conditions like hurdles in professional life, sudden gain & loss of money, problems in legal matters are also possible. Ketu Peyarchi Palangal 2015 further says that you will find it extremely difficult to control your language and thinking ability. It won’t be wrong to say that this time is the one when your patience will be tested. As per Rasi Palan 2015, stay alert if there lies Dasha - AntarDasha of Sani, Rahu, or Ketu.
Ketu Peyarchi Palangal 2015 predicts that positioning of Ketu in seventh house is not prosperous; especially for domestic and personal life. It seems that you might face problems in your married life. If seventh house is not favorable during birth, Rasi Palangal 2015 suggests paying serious attention toward your marriage. If Lagna (ascendant) is under the influence of malefic planets, you might come into contact of wrong man or woman, as per Ketu Peyarchi Palan 2015. Your image is also on stake during this time. You might get betrayed in job or business; hence, Rasi Palan 2015 suggests keeping a careful attitude. If at birth time, Ketu is placed in Viruchigam , Kadagam, or Simmam and is aspected by Sani or Kuja, avoid going in deep water and isolated places.
Ketu Peyarchi Palan 2015 foretells that Ketu remains happy in the Rasi of Sukra . Other than some fixed situations, it always gives auspicious results. Ketu will occupy your sixth house. According to Ketu Peyarchi Palangal 2015, you will make new contacts and they will prove beneficial too. You will defeat your enemies and legal matters will end in your favor. Rasi Palangal 2015 foresees that you will amaze one and all with your influential way of interaction. If you belong to writing field, you will surprise the world with your skills. This is the time when prestige, reputation, and recognition will be at their best, as per Rasi Palan 2015. You will gain abundant wealth and journeys will be rewarding. Your awareness will increase toward the nation and society. Ketu Peyarchi Palan 2015 says that you will feel courageous. Overall, this time is going to be an excellent one. This goodness will double up if birth time Ketu is favorable.
Ketu will reside in your fifth house, as per Rasi Palan 2015. As a result, you will get mixed results. Ketu Peyarchi Palangal 2015 say that this time is crucial for pregnant ladies and caution is a must. If Kaal Sarp Yoga is forming from the same house and Rahu is there in the fifth house at the same time, stay alert. This time is extremely auspicious for external contact and social deeds. Ketu Peyarchi Palan 2015 predicts that you will do well financially and professionally. Social contacts will increase and influence in the society will also increase. Your decisive abilities will improve and you will take quick and accurate decisions. According to Rasi Palangal 2015, you might face worries regarding your children, and hurdles in their education are also possible. Overall, this time will give you good as well as bad results. If Ketu is benefic during birth, fruitful results will increase. On the other hand, if Ketu of birth is malefic, you might see a rise in troubles, as predicted by Ketu Peyarchi Palan 2015.
Positioning of Ketu in fourth house is not considered that favorable. According to Ketu Peyarchi Palangal 2015, you might feel lack of domestic happiness. Health issues are possible and you might feel restless along with some internal complications. Rasi Palangal 2015 advises you to stay alert from servants, as you might lose something valuable or it might get stolen. An unknown fear might haunt you. As per predictions of Rasi Palan 2015, success might get delayed at work front. If you suffer from blood pressure, caution is needed. It would be good to be careful from your loved ones too. Though everything seems against you, your influence will still prevail in the society. Ketu Peyarchi Palan 2015 says that work done by you will get appreciation by one and all. If birth time Ketu is there in Mesham, Viruchigam, or Simmam, Ketu Peyarchi Palan 2015 foresees danger from fire and criminals. Make sure to use the needed remedies.
Ketu will reside in your third house, says Ketu Peyarchi Palangal 2015. Such a position of Ketu is extremely favorable for courage and manhood. According to Rasi Plan 2015, you will enjoy immense name and fame. You will attain new and high position. Other than seeking hike in salary, you will get multiple sources of income, as per prediction of Ketu Peyarchi Palan 2015. You will get success in governmental work and people who are into politics, will get fame. According to Rasi Palangal 2015, if you are a writer, artist, musician, or working in any such field, you will get extreme popularity. Your endeavors will be acknowledged. Relation will improve with siblings and relatives. Overall, Ketu Peyarchi Palan 2015 predicts this to be a great phase.
Rasi Palangal 2015 says that Ketu will reside in your second house. As a result, differences will crop up between your family members. You might lose wealth and income might also decrease. Ketu Peyarchi Palangal 2015 predicts your language getting abusive, which will lead to an increase in your enemies. It would be good to control this attitude, else problems will approach you. According to predictions of Rasi Palan 2015, you are likely to suffer from mouth disease. It is suggested not to take any issue lightly. Situations are possible when you will face useless and unexpected expenditures. Ketu Peyarchi Palan 2015 foretells that during this period, your language, patience, and courage will be tested.
Ketu Peyarchi Palangal 2015 for Rasi Meenam
For natives of Rasi Meenam, Ketu Peyarchi 2015 will happen in the first house (Lagna). Meenam is the exalted Rasi of Ketu (As Ketu has no position of its own; thus, it has been given the position of signs associated with Guru. As per some astrologers, Dhanusu is exalted, while for others, it’s Mesham. But according to me, Ketu gives favorable results in Meenam). According to Ketu Peyarchi Palangal 2015, there will be a noticeable rise in your courage. You will get new opportunities, name & fame will increase, auspicious event will take place in your family, any religious activity is also possible or you might go on pilgrimage. However, this is not good for conjugal life, as per Rasi Palangal 2015. If Kaal Sarp is forming from here or seventh house is already affected, extreme unfavorable results are possible. If birth time Lagna is under the influence of malefic planets, your mind may go in negative direction. If things are opposite, you will get immense profits, foretells Ketu Peyarchi Palan 2015.
Remedies To Overcome Ketu Related Problems
Ketu shows its impact suddenly, whether favorable or unfavorable. You can take the help of below mentioned remedies to stay at bay from the adverse effects of Ketu during Ketu transit in Pisces 2015.
- Chant ‘ॐ कें केतवे नमः’ 17,000 thousand times on every Wednesday. Make sure to perform the Havan along with the tenth part of this Mantra recitation.
- To please Ketu, you should worship Lord Ganesha . Therefore, chant the Mantra "ॐ गं गणपतयै नमः" 1,25,000 or 51,000 times. This way you can reduce the negative effects of Ketu increasing its benefic effects.
Donate black sesame seeds, black cloth, seven types of grains, blanket, Urad (black gram), mustard or sesame oil, iron or steel utensils on every Wednesday or Saturday.
- It is always good to perform the rituals (chanting Mantras) yourself, else get it done by an expert priest. To get better results, perform the remedies during the most auspicious time.
So, this was all about Ketu Peyarchi Palangal 2015. Read these predictions and make your coming life the best of your life. We wish you good luck!
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