Astrology Symbols : Language of Astrology
Whenever you read prediction of your horoscope or see birth-chart prepared by astrologers you may observe particular glyphs that symbolize some meaning. Find here different astrology symbols for different celestial bodies and zodiac signs.
Astrology Symbols of Zodiac Signs
There are twelve zodiac signs mentioned in Astrology. Symbols of Hindu Rashi and Western zodiac signs differ. But meanings are same. Each zodiac sign is represented by its particular symbol that one can easily understand these symbols depicted in natal chart. Based on your moon sign your horoscope is analyzed. Some Astrologer use astrology symbols to represent your zodiac or moon sign. So you would not to get confuse just see what different astrology symbols for all zodiac signs. (For knowing your Moon or Zodiac sign please click here on my sign). Astrology symbols basically are used to understand the attributes of celestial bodies. Zodiac sign is Rashi in Hindi that means amount or assemblage. So assemblage of starts gives Rashi and the shape they make while assemblage is seen as symbol.
Symbols of Hindi Rashi and Zodiac Signs
Mesh Rashi or Aries Sign is represented with symbol Face and Horns of Ram. People with zodiac sign Aries show similar features or attributes as ram shows. Like Ram Aries people are also ambitious, friendly, fearless and aggressive.
Vrishabh Rashi or Taurus Sign Rashi is represented with symbol of Face and Horns of Bull. Like Bull, Taurus people are powerful. They show very good physical stamina. They are moody, lazy, serene and calm like bulls. But they get aggressive suddenly like bulls.
Mithun Rashi or Gemini Sign is represented with symbol of companion or pairs of boy and girl. It means Gemini people are talkative. They have duel edged nature.
Karaka Rashi or Cancer Sign is represented with symbol Crab�s Claws. Cancerians are sensitive, touchy, emotional, creative and protective. They love changes. They like their teachers or mentors. They like dancing, singing and places near water and greenery.
Simha Rashi or Leo Sign is represented with astrology symbol Lion�s Head and Mane. Lions are aggressive, dominating, leader, and brave. So like lions Leo people are having the same qualities.
Kanya Rashi or Virgo Sign is represented with astrology symbol Sheaf of Barley. It symbolizes meticulous, organized behavior in Virgo people. Virgo always like accuracy and do not like irregularity.
Tula Rashi or Libra Sign is represented with astrology symbol scale. It shows that Libran people maintain balance in their life. They enjoy harmonious relationship. You are also apt for giving justice.
Vrishchik Rashi or Scorpio Sign is represented with astrology symbol stinger of a scorpion. Scorpions are astute or judicious. They are sometimes intensely revengeful.
Dhanu Rashi or Sagittarius Sign is represented with astrology symbol Arrow of the Centaur. It symbolizes partial animal nature. Sagittarius are little outspoken and honest.
Makar Rashi or Capricorn Sign is represented with astrology symbol Body and Head of a goat with tail of a fish. It symbolizes selfish and distrustful nature. However Capricorn people are ambitious and hard working.
Kumbh Rashi or Aquarius Sign is represented with astrology symbol ripples of water. It sometimes modernly viewed as bolts of lighting, or electricity charged water that symbolizes dynamism. Aquarius people own attractive personality.
Meen Rashi or Pisces Sign is represented with astrology symbol of two fish tied together yet swimming in opposite directions. It symbolizes shy nature like fish. Pisces are versatile, emotional but unstable.
Astrology Symbols to represent Planets
Now, we will talk about Planets in Astrology. There are seven planets Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn which are represented by particular symbols. However Rahu & Ketu are shadowy planet they have no symbol as they are not visible celestial bodies but conceived in Hindu Astrology.
Sun is represented with astrology symbol circled dot. It symbolizes divine spirit or called circle surrounding seed of potential that is why other planets surround over sun. Planet Sun governs zodiac sign Leo. Sun is very important planet both in astrology and solar system. Sun is sign of peace and wisdom.
Moon is represented with astrology symbol crescent moon. This symbol represents mind or evolving human spirit. Moon governs zodiac sign cancer. Moon is humid, cold and feminine planet. Phases of moon change day by day and are momentous to influence significant events of human life especially affairs related to family.
Mars is represented with astrology symbol Mars�s shield and spear. Arrow attached to circle symbolizes force over divine spirit. Mars governs zodiac signs Aries and Scorpio. Mars is said to be the God of force and energy.
Mercury is represented with astrology symbol with symbol mercury�s winged helmet. It symbolizes crescent poised over circle which means mind poised over divine spirit. It is dualistic, intellectual and indecisive planet. Gemini and Virgo are governed by Mercury.
Jupiter is represented with astrology symbol Jupiter�s thunderbolt or eagle. Jupiter is said to be the god of righteousness and justice. Jupiter is teacher of gods. Sagittarius and Pisces are governed by planet Jupiter.
Venus is represented with Venus�s hand mirror it means divine sprit or circle over matter or cross. Venus is luminous or brightest planet in solar system. Venus is teacher of devils. Venus is associated with gratification of life and reproduction. Venus governs Taurus and Libra.
Saturn is represented with Saturn�s sickle. It presents matter or cross taking precedence over mind or human spirit called crescent. Saturn is slow, sterile and mysterious planet. It causes delays.
Astrological symbols of Moon Phases
Amavasya / New moon is represented with astrology symbol of full black dark moon. Hindu people consider the new moon phase inauspicious. They do not perform any religious task during new moon phase of Amavsya.
Crescent Moon is represented with astrology symbol of semi-circular or curved shape. Increscent moon has curve towards right side and decrescent moon has curve towards left side. Increscent Moon days are called Krisha Paksh, and Decrescent Moon days are Shukla Paksh in Hindi Panchang.
Poornima / Full Moon is represented with astrology symbol of white colored full circle. Full Moon is Poornima for Hindu people. Poornima is conceived as a very auspicious day in Hindu calendar. Religious rituals, important worship and fast are performed during Poornima.
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