Aquarius-Scorpio Compatibility

Aquarius is represented by a Water Bearer and is an independent and original sign. They are friendly by nature and become the life of any party instantly. They are great conversationalists and keep people around them hooked with their charm. Aquarius hates being alone but doesn’t enter into a relationship just for the sake of it, as it will rather stay alone than spend its valuable time on an unpromising partner. They may appear aloof and distant in the beginning as they need to know if they can trust you and rely on you. They don’t believe in rushing into things. Scorpio, on the other hand, is symbolised by the Scorpion and is an energetic, passionate, and determined sign. Scorpios don’t believe in backing down, be it for their dreams, career, or relationships. These natives will try their hardest to make their relationship work and fix anything that isn’t working for them. However, they are also known to hold grudges for a very long time. So, think twice before messing with them too badly. Scorpios are demanding and jealous. If their partner doesn’t comply with their relationship guidelines, they probably will end it altogether. They love to be a priority and look for a partner who is a hundred per cent committed to them.
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The Aquarius and Scorpio compatibility is a match between two very powerful, strong, and different personalities. These two will find it hard to trust each other and find common interests in life. There will be mutual admiration, but it will be difficult for this match to blossom into something good.
Aquarius and Scorpio Zodiac Compatibility
Aquarius and Scorpio compatibility will be difficult. Both the signs are strong-headed, opinionated, and uncooperative. Aquarius doesn’t care about what others think of them, while Scorpio is known to hold grudges. So when these two get into a fight, they might find it hard to make up for it. They will fail to communicate with each other and might rush to other signs that will understand them better.
Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus, and Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto. Saturn exhibits a contained and cool energy, and Uranus is about all things unusual and different. Mars is aggressive and revolutionary, and Pluto enhances these qualities. Mars make Scorpio do things without thinking. Saturn makes Aquarius work hard and stay disciplined, while Uranus gives them the power of progressive thinking. Aquarius is an Air sign, and Scorpio is a Water sign. Air is about intellectual abilities and makes the Aquarius run to explore new possibilities every day. Water makes the Scorpio more analytical. They both face trouble understanding each other. When it comes to modalities, both the signs are Fixed, so, they both are dogmatic, preserving, and unyielding. They don’t stop until they have achieved their goals. However, they have contradictory approaches towards life, which makes the Aquarius and Scorpio compatibility more difficult than pleasurable.
Aquarius and Scorpio Business Compatibility
Aquarius and Scorpio business compatibility will be average. This will be a match between two strong-headed personalities who will fight for authority and leadership. They both have different working styles and work ethics. Aquarius likes to work with people and teach them new things along the way, while Scorpio likes to work alone as they are introverts. However, they both are goal-oriented, and if they find a common goal to work towards, they can make a dynamic duo. Once they work out their differences and accept the other partner’s work approach, Aquarius and Scorpio business compatibility can be fulfilling.
Aquarius and Scorpio Love Compatibility
Aquarius has a mysterious personality, which attracts the Scorpio. Scorpio finds the idea of peeling through the thick layers of their Aquarius partner fascinating and takes time in understanding them. The Water Bearer is intrigued by the honesty and passion of the Scorpion. Aquarius is unbiased and non-judgemental, which helps the Scorpio loosen up and express their emotions freely to their partner. Both these signs have a razor-sharp focus and are highly intellectual. Thus, they attract each other on a cerebral level.
However, the Aquarius and Scorpio love compatibility will face challenges due to their different emotional requirements. Aquarius needs time to open up and doesn’t let its guard down easily, while the Scorpio expresses its emotions freely. This might lead to problems between these lovers. Another area of concern will be the Scorpio’s possessive and protective nature, which will make the freedom-loving Aquarius trapped and restricted. This will lead to conflicts in the Aquarius and Scorpio love compatibility.
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Aquarius and Scorpio Sexual Compatibility
Aquarius and Scorpio sexual compatibility can be good if both the signs give time and space to understand each other’s needs before diving in between the sheets. Once they trust each other enough and understand their emotional needs, there will be no stopping for them! They will try anything, and everything in the bedroom, and sex will be passionate and steamy. They will share an undying sexual connection that will be hard to ignore. However, achieving emotional connection and intimacy will be a challenge in Aquarius and Scorpio sexual compatibility. Also, Scorpio will become possessive and ask for commitment after some time, which can drive the Aquarius’ sexual urge away. And being with an uncommitted partner will be a turn off for the Scorpio as well. Therefore, the Aquarius and Scorpio sexual compatibility will be good while it lasts, but it won’t last for very long!
Aquarius and Scorpio Family Compatibility
Aquarius and Scorpio family compatibility will depend on how well both the partners are managing the situation and relationship. Despite their strong yet contrasting personalities, many factors can contribute to making the Aquarius and Scorpio family compatibility work. They both have a strong mindset, and once they commit, they are dedicated to their partner. Scorpions don’t give up easily on their relationships and work hard to achieve a stable bond with their partner. It will contribute to making this family compatibility work. The family life, including an Aquarius and a Scorpio, will never be boring. They will share many brainy conversations and might even take a lot of adventure trips together. If the Water Bearer learns to be more vocal about their feelings instead of acting aloof, and the Scorpion tries to give more space to their partner, it can lead to a good Aquarius and Scorpio family compatibility.
1. What are Aquarius’ common personality traits?
Aquarius natives are clever, self-reliant, optimistic, and exceptional.
2. What are some weaknesses of an Aquarius?
Aquarius sign is emotionally detached, impersonal and irresponsible, rebel without a cause, and scatterbrained.
3. Which signs are Aquarius’ worst enemies?
Aquarius doesn’t gel well with Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn.
4. Which planet rules Aquarius?
Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus.
» Daily Aquarius Horoscope
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» Weekly Aquarius Love Horoscope
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These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!
» Yearly Aquarius Horoscope
These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!
» Aquarius Characteristics
Aquarius is ruled by Saturn. These natives basically possess strong and attractive personalities. They are nearly always inte...
» Aquarius Facts
» Aquarius Compatibility
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