Aquarius-Pisces Compatibility

Aquarius, the Water Bearer, is perceived as insensitive and cold to others as they don’t care about others’ opinions. Seeking validation is not on their list, and they don’t believe in faking their personality just to be liked by others. However, they sure are great conversationalists and make friends easily. Once people get to know them, they will see Aquarius’ fun side. They love having intellectual conversations and can be found at a party, with a glass of wine in their hand, making fun of their friends. Also, they are very protective of the people they love. Pisces, the Fish, on the contrary, is a very passionate, empathetic, and devoted sign. When they are close to a person, they shower them with love and respect. They are loyal and don’t like causing pain to others. However, their forgiving nature and the habit of putting others’ needs before their own can cause them pain and suffering. Aquarius and Pisces compatibility will be a match of two dreamers who want to bring a change in the world. They will share insightful information about the society and world when together. However, they won’t push the other into achieving those goals. So, they will have their heads in the cloud but no motivation to fulfil their dreams. Therefore, it will be better if they both spend time with other friends who can give them a push and encourage them into bringing their dreams into reality.
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Aquarius and Pisces Zodiac Compatibility
Aquarius and Pisces compatibility is good, but there will be some problems that these signs will have to resolve. Together, they are idealistic and look for solutions to problems. They can be good friends together and face very few challenges as friends. However, the Water Bearer can be perceived as too aloof and intellectual to the Fish, and the former might take the latter’s personality as too gullible and sacrificing for their taste. They have different reactions to most situations, which may also cause some problems between the two. But, both the signs refrain from getting into arguments so they will forgive each other quickly.
Aquarius comes under Uranus and Saturn, while Pisces is ruled by Neptune and Jupiter. Due to these planetary positions, whenever the Water Bearer comes up with new ideas, the Fish finds itself eager to understand them on an intuitive level. It makes the Aquarius and Pisces compatibility deep in emotional and intellectual resources. Aquarius is an Air sign, and Pisces is a Water sign. These elements make this match progressive and flexible. Even when they disagree, their differences in opinions will not last for long. Aquarius is a fixed sign, and Pisces is a Mutable sign. So, when these two are together, there is no conflict of power. Overall, Aquarius and Pisces compatibility will be descent.
Aquarius and Pisces Business Compatibility
Aquarius and Pisces business compatibility will be a blend of creativity and compassion. Be it together or individually, these two will be idealistic. This duo will look for progressive ideas as they are adventurous and always on the quest to find solutions to problems. However, the Water Bearer can be quick to pass judgement on people who don’t share their vision, and the Fish can be overly compassionate even for the people who don’t deserve it. This can create some problems in their business compatibility.
When Aquarius and Pisces work together, they barely fight for power and authority. They happily accept their roles and are well coordinated while working. They will support each other’s ideas and contribute to them. They are both intellectual beings and share high energy and enthusiasm, which makes the Aquarius and Pisces business compatibility a success.
Aquarius and Pisces Love Compatibility
The best aspect of Aquarius and Pisces love compatibility will be that they both are dreamers. Aquarius believes in experiments and exploring, while the Pisces is about following its heart. The Water Bearer is creative, and the Fish has its originality. These two together will make a rare couple who will inspire others. They will enjoy a successful and long-lasting relationship as the Aquarius will receive emotional support from their Pisces partner with open arms while the Pisces will be attracted by the intellectual qualities of the Aquarius. The planets that rule these signs bring a sense of mystery in the Aquarius and Pisces love compatibility which makes their journey as lovers very exciting. Pisces will learn to control their emotions and mentality in the company of the Aquarius, while the Water Bearer will learn to let go of the abundant love and care of the Pisces.
However, there will be fluctuations in the emotionality on both sides which will be a disadvantage of Aquarius and Pisces love compatibility. Aquarius prefers practicality over emotions, even in love, while Pisces give its all in the relationship. But if the Aquarius learns to let go of a peaceful relationship and Pisces learns to hold back its emotions, this issue will be easily resolved.
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Aquarius and Pisces Sexual Compatibility
Aquarius and Pisces sexual compatibility will be passionate and intense. These two become friends first, and this leads to undying passion. They trust each other, and sex will flow with great ease. In this sexual compatibility, both the signs give more importance to mental connection than physical arousal as they feel if two people connect on an intellectual level, pleasure follows. Both partners are adventurous under the sheets, and there will be lots of excitement, experimenting, and exploration in the bedroom. Their sexual encounters will rarely get old or boring. Aquarius and Pisces will find the right balance between passion and romance, which will lead to healthy sex life.
Aquarius and Pisces Family Compatibility
Aquarius and Pisces family compatibility can be quite fruitful if both the partners put in equal efforts. The foundation of any marriage and family life is trust, and here too, trust will determine the intensity of Aquarius and Pisces family compatibility. But communication can work wonders for these two as it will help them bridge the gap between them that will lead to happy family life. Arguments are bound to take place as both the signs have a different approach towards life. Aquarius doesn’t let out their emotions, whereas the Pisces natives are over-emotional. It can create discomfort and irritation between the Water Bearer and the Fish. But they also share a common disinterest in drama and arguments, so their conflicts will resolve as quickly as they begin. The Aquarius and Pisces family compatibility will be good if they stay patient, along with comprehending each other well enough as a virtue in their relationship.
1. What are Aquarius’ common personality traits?
Aquarius natives are clever, self-reliant, optimistic, and exceptional.
2. What are some weaknesses of an Aquarius?
Aquarius sign is emotionally detached, impersonal and irresponsible, rebel without a cause, and scatterbrained.
3. Which signs are Aquarius’ worst enemies?
Aquarius doesn’t gel well with Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn.
4. Which planet rules Aquarius?
Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus.
» Daily Aquarius Horoscope
» Weekly Aquarius Horoscope
» Weekly Aquarius Love Horoscope
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These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!
» Yearly Aquarius Horoscope
These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!
» Aquarius Characteristics
Aquarius is ruled by Saturn. These natives basically possess strong and attractive personalities. They are nearly always inte...
» Aquarius Facts
» Aquarius Compatibility
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