Aquarius-Aries Compatibility

The second last sign on the zodiac chart, Aquarius, is popular for its progressive thought process. Aquarius natives are sharp, determined, and focused. Represented by the Water Bearer, this sign craves poignant discussions and intellectual conversations. Once they set their eyes on something, they will know how to achieve it at any cost. Aries, on the other hand, is the first sign on the zodiac chart and is symbolised by the Ram. These natives are one of the most courageous and powerful signs in astrology. It stands for dynamism, growth, and spontaneity. Aries natives are born leaders and tend to set a positive example for the people around them.
Both Aquarius and Aries have overlapping interests, which make them enjoy a lot of shared activities together. They make great friends as they simply “get” each other. These two never run out of topics for conversation as the Water Bearer is a good conversationalist and the Ram also comes up with exciting stories to add to the conversation. They will enjoy their time together and make memories of a lifetime. However, they both have temperament issues and conflicts between them can escalate pretty quickly if they are not cautious. But if they learn to respect their boundaries, the Aquarius and Aries compatibility can go a long way.
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Aquarius and Aries Zodiac Compatibility
The vision of Aquarius combined with the Aries’ action makes Aquarius and Aries zodiac compatibility quite high. There isn’t a dull moment when these two are on board. They communicate well, and it is what makes them great friends. Aquarius and Aries compatibility will be based on mutual admiration. The Water Bearer loves Ram’s energy and initiative, while the Aries admires Aquarius’ uniqueness and its inventive vision.
Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus. It gets its progressive vision from Uranus while Saturn is in charge of its philanthropy and social conscience. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, which is responsible for bringing passion, energy, and lofty thoughts to the natives. These planets, when together, make a great combination. When it comes to modalities, Aquarius is a Fixed sign, and Aries is a Cardinal sign. Therefore, Aquarius helps Aries fixate on one project at a time until it is done, and the latter can help the former explore new ideas. The Air sign, Aquarius, and the Fire sign, Aries, can become competitive at times, and when they do, it becomes difficult to tame them. Other than this, Aquarius and Aries compatibility is one of the best.
Aquarius and Aries Business Compatibility
Aquarius and Aries' business compatibility is high as they make a very creative and efficient duo. They connect instantly as friends and have a good understanding. They have an enthusiastic and idealistic take on life, and they enjoy new experiences. This business compatibility will be based on mutual admiration. Aquarius can bring in new ideas and vision, and Aries will carry it out till the end. They both are independent but competitive signs. Conflicts can also arise if Aquarius appears too ignorant or detached to the Aries partner or the Ram appears to be too domineering to the Water Bearer. But if they communicate well and smooth out the rough edges, they can make a good alliance.
Aquarius and Aries Love Compatibility
Aquarius and Aries love compatibility will be exciting for both the signs. They both will be attracted to each other’s charming personalities. This highly compatible duo will never face difficulty with fresh and original ideas. The Water Bearer and the Ram are idealistic individuals who share a good understanding. They have intense and enlightening conversations that are thought-provoking. Aquarius is open-minded, and its acceptance will make its way deep into the Aries’ heart. Both the signs can learn a lot from each other, which can only happen if they keep their egos aside. They will have their own ways of expressing emotions, and will thoroughly enjoy each other’s company.
However, the Water Bearer can sometimes act aloof, which can irritate the Ram and result in a serious argument. On the other hand, the possessive Aries might come out as constrictive for their freedom-lover Aquarius partner. So, these two must avoid these issues if they want the Aquarius and Aries love compatibility to work perfectly.
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Aquarius and Aries Sexual Compatibility
Aquarius and Aries sexual compatibility can be both stressful and exciting. This pair makes great friends, so it wouldn’t be surprising if they enter into a platonic ‘friends with benefits relationship that doesn’t involve any real intimacy. But once they realise that they have chemistry, there will be no stopping them. In the beginning, their sex life would be filled with thrill and excitement, but as the relationship will start to take flight, they both might hold back due to the fear of commitment. The freedom-loving Aquarius partner would not want to commit very easily, but once they do, the Aquarius and Aries sexual compatibility will be high. Be it gentle lovemaking or passionate sex, they will not refrain from exploring different sexual dimensions.
Aquarius and Aries Family Compatibility
Aquarius and Aries family compatibility will depend on the level of trust both partners have in each other. It will start slow, but once the foundation is built, it will be strong. Both partners will take their time in coming to the subject of marriage and family life, especially the freedom-loving Aquarius. The adventure-seeking Aries, on the other hand, might want to start the family life right away, once they are sure of their Aquarius partner. It will take some convincing to bring the Water Bearer on the same page as the Ram. But after this match ties the knot, they will be inseparable. They will have a deep-rooted connection as they will be friends first and spouses later. They will support each other at every walk of life. They will have intellectual conversations over the morning tea and enjoy social outings in the evening. Overall, Aquarius and Aries family compatibility can be a good one once these partners click.
1. What are Aquarius’ common personality traits?
Aquarius natives are clever, self-reliant, optimistic, and exceptional.
2. What are some weaknesses of an Aquarius?
Aquarius sign is emotionally detached, impersonal and irresponsible, rebel without a cause, and scatterbrained.
3. Which signs are Aquarius’ worst enemies?
Aquarius doesn’t gel well with Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn.
4. Which planet rules Aquarius?
Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus.
» Daily Aquarius Horoscope
» Weekly Aquarius Horoscope
» Weekly Aquarius Love Horoscope
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» Monthly Aquarius Horoscope
These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!
» Yearly Aquarius Horoscope
These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!
» Aquarius Characteristics
Aquarius is ruled by Saturn. These natives basically possess strong and attractive personalities. They are nearly always inte...
» Aquarius Facts
» Aquarius Compatibility
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